

  • Love these pumpkin recipes! I have made my own easy pumpkin frozen yogurt. I bought a container of fat free frozen yogurt. Let it soften in a mixing bowl. Add about 1 small can of pumpkin. Add it slow and determine how strong you want it. Add cinnamon and nutmeg if desired. I even added a few lowfat graham crackers…
  • My secret weapons are: always cleaning and cutting up my fresh vegetables in airtight containers so they are easy to grab on the go or add them to a meal. They really fill you up. My Nike training club workout app on my iphone is my other secret weapon. It keeps me motivated and it really tones the problem areas! It kicks…
  • I have always been told and follow the rule: goods carbs before a workout- example: oatmeal with fruit or a mini-wheat bagel with peanut butter or a wasa cracker with laughing cow light cheese and veggies after workout: try to get in some protein: greek yogurt with nuts, a smoothie with whey protein you can add fruits or…
  • to reduce the butt and tone the legs I would recommend high repetion and low weight. The good old fashioned various lunge excercises: round the world lunge, split jump lunge, side lunges with medicine ball, walking lunges with weights in your hands. AND squats! I do many different types of squats including jumping and…
  • The Green Goddess 2 cups of raw spinach purified first in blender or processor 1/2 of a cucumber 1 container of plain greek yogurt 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder 5 chunks of cantalopue and 5 chunks of pineapple or mango Tropical fruit tastes best ice cubes a little mint extract Optional: a scoop of flax meal it…
    in smoothies! Comment by run17 August 2012
  • 1. Nike Training Club App From personal experience, this app is hands down one of the best exercise training apps that I have ever downloaded to date. The Nike Training App does exactly what the details of title states. Training. It works as your own portable personal training offering a wide variety of leveled workouts…
  • If you have a iphone or an android try the nike training club app. I downloaded the one one for women but there is one for men also. it is free and it has literally kicked my butt! You can do it at home. All you need are dumbells and a medicine ball. I donot have a medicine ball at home so I use a ten pound weight. It…
  • You cannot expect to lose the weight over night! I think changing your excercise routine is really important. Challenge yourself. I have really gotten back into working out, so now I try to eat to enhance my workout. Healthy carbs prior and protein after. It really works. If you go off track-just get back on. Try kabuta…
  • I find that eating a protein, high fiber carb and a little healthy fat with each meal keeps you full longer. for example: breakfast might be an uncle cracker 9 need cracker ( they are big and filling) with crazy richards peanut butter and apple slices for breakfast. greek yogurt with cinnamon and some nut sprinkled on it.…
  • Before a workout I like to eat a "doctor Kracker" 9 nine seed cracker with crazy Richard's chunky peanut butter. It is very filling! After a workout I make a protien smoothie with plain greek yogurt and vanilla whey protein powder with fruit or veggies. depends on my mood!
  • Dr. OZ Wow! He is wacky! He tells people to buy these crazy herbal supplements like rasberry ketones. He said - you will get thin thighs! OMG! If all women could get thin thighs from supplements no one would be on this site- finding support and documenting their results! It takes hard work and proper nutrition! I priced…
    in Dr. Oz Comment by run17 July 2012
  • Breakfast- Green Goddess smoothie- contains- raw spinach purified, cucumbers, cantaloupe, pineapple, plain greek yogurt, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder and fresh mint. (next time I will use mint extract- The fresh mint did a number on me!) No lunch- worked out like a crazy woman and did my weight routine Early…
  • I did try this! It was great! Two things- I always use greek yogurt. I buy the Shop Rite brand. Either vanilla or plain. It is cheaper and has a lot of protein. The other thing- I added a scoop of flax meal. It was really good. It gave it a little apple pie texture and some fiber! Not a fan of nutmeg but love cinnamon!…
  • Try the Nike training club app. It is free. You can do it at home. Just wake up at 12 instead of 1 or 2. You only need dumbells. The program talks you through everything. It is tough! You will be sore but you will see and feel the results. Everything is timed. before you know it you are done. You can add your playlist to…
  • Whenever I give up carbs I get terrible headaches and I feel very tired. I have given up white flour for the most part. I do feel better. Before a workout I eat a mini whole wheat bagel with natural peanut butter or a carb balance tortilla with PB or scrambled eggs with veggies. I just bought a smoothie maker on sale. I am…
  • I like the recipe from Southbeach Diet. You can google it, but I think it is as follows: 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese 1/2 cup quick oats 1 egg cinnamon splenda packet if desired sugar free syrup-topping blend all indredients- put them on a griddle with cooking spray they actually really good!
  • LOL- That is hysterical and so rude!
  • I agree- people should just keep their trap shut sometimes! A compliment is nice but asking for numbers is rude! I usually stay within in a 10 lb. range of my weight but sometime it creeps up a little higher. When it does- i take it off. Once a man at the gym said- you look like you lost 50 lbs. How rude! I only lost about…
  • coffee, greek yogurt and raw spinach: :drinker:
  • sounds great! I just bought a smoothie maker. I will add this to my recipe collection! Thanks!
  • Try the Nike training club app on your phone. it is a free app. Therer are so many exercise routines to choose from. I like the get lean advanced routines. The more you workout the more routines they give you as a bonus. I was at a complete standstill! I have been doing the program for about a month. My thighs are thinner…
  • whole grain or low carb tortilla wraps with peanut butter and apple or banana. If you don't eat nuts you can spread laughing cow light cinnamon cream cheese spread with apples and raisins. smoothies with fresh fruit or veggies, greek yogurt or whey protein powder. you can add flax seed, cinnamon and natural fruit juice.…
  • Low carb diets does take off weight fast, but they always make me very tired and I get more headaches. Make sure you take a good multi-vitamin. I like the Atkins protein shakes if i am too busy to eat lunch. Their snack bars are delicious if you need a treat. Whenever I follow a low carb diet I try to use a lot of spices…
  • It sounds like you did change your diet, but I think you need to revamp your workout routine. A few years ago I started running. I really got in great shape, but the problem was In order to maintain it I had to run 25-30 miles a week! It was impossbile to keep that up. I am a mom and at the time a student. I have been…
  • You are doing great! It is good to set a goal- But if you do not get under 200 by Labor Day DO NOT GIVE UP! It is a lifestyle to be healthy and fit. If you want to kick start with a great workout program try the Nike Training Club for women app. If you have a smart phone- It is great! It is free! you can do it in the…
  • I am a big believer in not depriving yourself, but only treat yourself to the foods you do not have all the time! I pick healthier versions of "bad foods" like potato chips and ice cream. whenever I feel really hungry I do a massive workout and it usually puts me back on track to eat healthy. Vegetable and fruit smoothies…
  • Hi! That is awesome! You look great from what I can see of your pic. I have been using the myfitnesspal since March to lose the stubborn 20 lbs. I gained since last year. I lost about 15 so far! Have you tried the Nike training club app. for women. It is free and there are so many routines! I have been faithfully using it…
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