

  • a programme I watched recently suggested calcium and vitamin D to help relieve pms symptoms. I haven't tried it myself.
  • walking has been my only form of exercise since I started to get healthier back in January, so far I have lost around 46lbs and could do with losing the same again (at least). I live in the country and walking fits in with my lifestyle, I have a husky which needs lots of exercise and I started off slow at just walking…
  • I am slightly different as I like fruit but some fruits don'y like me, Apples and tomatoes make me feel very sick, especially if they have the skin on.
  • have they always been like this?, how much weight have you lost? and what age bracket are you in. Mine were always like that and I became very overweight due to poly cystic ovaries. Now approaching the end of my reproductive years and suddenly they decide to become regular.
  • good advice, I wondered if he was already feeling a bit different with the siblings being thinner and could be why he is sneaking food. If the whole family do a healthy eating plan then he won't feel he is being singled out. Another idea would be to log everyones food for a week or two.
  • it might be worth having him checked by a doctor to rule out any medical reasons, Some kids are definately more prone to weight gain than others though. You could also try getting him to exercise more with you so you are giving a positive message about the feel good side to exercising. I am lucky as I am the only…
  • be careful, I gave blood last week and had been quite low on calorie intake and doing extra walks etc, on Saturday morning I got up for a loo trip and fainted, I now have a plastercast on as I broke a bone in my wrist when I fell. Had loads of heart and bllod pressure checks after and all was fine so they put it down to a…
  • My blood pressure is normal, so my faint was put down to not eating enough with giving blood, but it would be worth getting checked out.
  • be careful, I felt like that too and after giving blood last week I actually fainted and fell breaking a bone in my wrist. I was also a bit under my calorie count each day.
  • I am needing a bit of motivation too, as I broke my wrist at the weekend, feeling ok but the pain meds made me feel awful so stopping them.
  • Storm 2 year old Siberian Husky Gem 9year old Kelpie cross
  • if they are only 99p what have you got to lose ( apart from 99p) and a few lbs. go for it
    in ARGH!! Comment by gem057 April 2012
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