

  • A low-gyclemic-index-food diet is recommended for PCOS as the first line lifestyle management of the condition (no sugar, white/refined foods). Check out the book "GI Diet". PCOS is related to insulin resistance and treated with the same drug (Metformin). Exercise is also important to balance blood sugar/insulin.
  • I agree - I am already within the "healthy" weight range and trying to lose these last few pounds, and calorie quality REALLY matters!
  • I was so sad to hear that Bob Kennedy had died... I met him last summer at Can Fit Pro in Toronto - he had such a great energy, was so motivating, kind, and genuine. :(
  • First of all, congrats! Second, DONT get hung up on time! 50 minutes is GREAT! I ran for years, and my 5km time was always around the mid 30 minute mark. Then I took a few months off, gained a few pounds and 5 weeks ago (when I started here at MFP and made a commitment to lose the weight) my 5km time was... ready...…
    in First 5K Comment by 6to36 April 2012
  • Hi HotHal, I too just started, I'm only 5 runs in, but today I finished my first one without taking a walking break, so I was very excited! (I have gained 20lbs recently, and feel very out of shape). Are you finding the Jillian Shred video helps with your running stamina? :)