First 5K



  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Pffft, we all have to start somewhere. Babies do not learn to walk without first having to hold furniture or legs. People do not begin running without first having to start at the bottom.The fact that you were out there, doing your thing, is awesome in and of itself, and time doesn't have to matter to anyone. Good for you!
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I've walked them before and am suppose to run my first one next Saturday.

    I'm not worried about how fast, just want to run it. Next I will work on speed for the one in June I'm signed up for.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    You could be at home sleeping! You're doing great; don't let the haters get you down.

    If you need some running encouragement/inspiration and haven't heard of him, John "The Penguin" Bingham's books are great. "The Courage to Start" really helped me through being a "penguin" runner.
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I think what you did was great. I have never been a runner before either and just signed up for my first 5k for May 4th. I would be so proud and happy with myself if I could just complete it in the time you did. You did great...not many people can run a 5k or even think to try and you did it:smile:

    Also, who cares what that guy thinks...people who aren't self adsorbed would see what a great feat you have accomplished
  • I'm completely impressed! It is something I am soooo scared to do. I am impressed you had the courage to go out there and try it. I need to have your confidence! :happy: Way to go!!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    50 minutes is not bad for your first time running the distance! If you keep at it, I promise you will get faster! Also, there is the race-day magic: we always run a bit faster during a race - I think it;s just all the excitement. Be careful not to start off too fast so you don't burn out; start at the back of the pack so you don't have to deal with the disheartening feeling of having lots of people swarm by you in the first quarter mile. Run your own race; don't compare yourself to skinny jocks who have been doing this for 20 years. Even if you come in last, you are way ahead of all those people who aren't running at all! If you picked a 5k that people will be walking in, you won't be last. Walk if you need to; your goal is just to complete the race. And then you will have a benchmark from which to chart your improvements over time as you get more and more fit!

    Big ditto! The point is that you are out there, challenging your body. You will be amazed at what it is capable of when you put it to the test. Races are so exciting, I love the energy. Enjoy every minute of it!!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    i agree, read Bingham's book! it's fantastic.

    the important thing is that you're doing what the human body is designed to do: MOVE those legs!

    and also, draft (lol)
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Be proud that you did it!! I am! :flowerforyou:

    I did my 1st 5K last weekend and came in 116th out of 195 with a time of 41:24. I'm doing C25K, and had finished week 7 when I did the race. I ran most of it (slowly though) and walked some of it. But hey, I finished, and that's what's important. And I was 222 lbs when I did it.

    You finished. You did your first 5K, and now you have a time to beat. Don't give up, and don't listen to the haters. He's probably just jealous that you did/finished the race and he can't say the same.
  • fordguy74
    fordguy74 Posts: 108 Member
    Be very proud that you are doing a 5k. Who cares how long it takes! Make sure you post your results i can't wait to see how you did. Good luck.
  • betternowthanlater
    betternowthanlater Posts: 34 Member
    You will do great! I did my first one today!
  • 6to36
    6to36 Posts: 6
    First of all, congrats!

    Second, DONT get hung up on time! 50 minutes is GREAT! I ran for years, and my 5km time was always around the mid 30 minute mark. Then I took a few months off, gained a few pounds and 5 weeks ago (when I started here at MFP and made a commitment to lose the weight) my 5km time was... ready... gulp.... 52 minutes!!!! 5 weeks later I am down to 42 minutes (and 10 lbs lighter), and I hope to be back to 35 minutes in another month or so. Your cardio training will happen fast. Remember too that you are carrying extra weight - it is like a lighter person running with a weight vest. You killed it at 50 minutes!

    I might recommend investing in a good heart rate monitor, so that you know how hard to push yourself, and when to pull back. You can also record your resting heart rate each week, as I find it very satifsying to see this coming down too.

    Just keep running, and moving, and your time will improve. The best thing about running is that the only person you compete against is yourself.

    I used to think of myself as a "fit" person, and after gaining this weight, I realize that we are all fit people, on a contiuum of fitness (or lack of fitness), and these are states in flux. We all have the power to build a trim and strong body. You are doing it.

    All the best!
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 175 Member
    I think that it's great that you are out there tackling 5Ks. To go out any more than 5 minutes requires both mental and physical endurance. It means that you are strong - you could remain seated firmly on the couch, but you have said F that, I'm an athlete, and that is something incredible right there.

    I'd like to share something I witnessed just this past Friday night. There were two athletes both coming in about 48 minutes. They were both pushing themselves hard - batlling the heat and battling the will to continue on. But, it was amazing, they saw that finish line and suddenly they both started pushing themselves even harder. The people still watching the finsihers, myself included, were hooting and hollering like nobody's business. You would have thought that they were competing for the olympic gold medal.

    The great thing about running is that it's an internal competition, unless of course you are running at a sub 5 minute pace. You are racing against yourself- to get a better time, to run without stopping, to go a little further, to tell that little voice in your head to bugger off, that you are amazing. You have to run your own race and you have to know why you're doing it. If you know that, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

    Keep your chin up, I know you will accomplish great things. And believe me, there is nothing better than completing your first 5K, except, well, maybe your first 10K or your first half marathon. :) Good luck tomorrow!!
  • 906090
    906090 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also "running" my first 5K tomorrow. I only run on a treadmill and I'm nervous I'll come in last!
    Good luck to you!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I have to applaud your bravery to run! My heart is yearning to run, however, I have never run before. I am so scared due to my stamina, weight and confidence, but you took the bull by the horns.

    The fact is that you completed your first 5k, where I am just dreaming of one day running. You have inspired me!

    Congrats on your run!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Screw him and whoever else has something less than positive to say. You completed your first 5k! You are taking an active step in bettering your life! That is huge! You will get faster over time, but that's really not even the point. Every one will get a little easier. I completed my first one in 44 minutes and look forward to it improving! Good on you.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I ran my 1st 5k last year- it took me 47 mins and i ran the whole way. i was 230lbs.

    the point is that it was never about doing it for anyone else- it was all about me! i admit i felt fat, sweaty and jiggly, and i pulled my hat down so i couldn't see the spectators looking at me (i was so self conscious that everyone would be looking at the fat chick trying to run).

    but after i did it i felt proud, motivated, and different- everything changed when i realised that i could do it. something just clicked in my head and i wanted to keep having that amazing feeling of setting a goal and achieving it.

    i've now ran in a few 5ks, 10ks, done 5 half marathons and i have my 1st full marathon next saturday. and i have that same feeling in the pit of my stomach as i did before that first 5k. i'm really slow- i still get overtaken by walkers! but i'm comfortable with my place at the back of the pack. and i've finished every single race that i've done.

    some of us are built more for endurance than speed, but the only person you're racing is yourself. when i used to get hung up on how slow i am, i always thought that 'i'm lapping everyone on the couch'.

    so, i've accepted that the time isn't important. what is important is that you're doing it, and making great steps towards being a much happier and healthier individual.

    well done you!
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    Wow congratulations!
  • mpowers13
    mpowers13 Posts: 11
    I owe a huge thanks to everyone on here who has given me encouragement! You pumped me up! I couldn't have imagined such a great response to my post.

    Well you asked for my results! I finished! I finished strong and hard and in 45 mins! I was so excited. You were all right. There's something special about 'race day'! There was so much energy! I would highly recommend for those of you who said you want to get out there and do one, to do just that! If I can do it, so can you. I think it really helped that I signed up for a run/walk.

    I can't wait to train some more and sign up for my next 5k. I have always hated running, yet a 5k was something on my bucket list. I'm so glad I had the urge to do it!

    Thanks again!
  • My first 5k i had to walk because i had a broken toe. did it in 44 min now today i did a pr of 32 mins there has only been 3 months in between. Everyday that you put on your shoes and go is a victory jog a little more and walk a little less. It gets easier you can do this !!!! Don't let anyone get you down!!!
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    And I told him it took me a while (50 mins) but that I finished and I was just happy that I did. The look on his face and the sound in his voice when he said "oh.... yea that is a while."

    your co-worker doesn't know a thing. the first time i ever successfully jogged an entire 5k, no stops, it tood me 45mins, and i was 125lbs at the time. to complete it in 50 is great. :D the very best i ever managed was 34mins.

    it sounds to me like you're much more of a runner than i ever have been or will be if you're hitting 50mins with short stops. ;)