pcos and low carb

My dr told me to go low carb for weightloss, taper down to 50 per day. Im in week 2, ive read that this can have lots of other benifits for us too. Anyone been doing this and seen results in weight and hormone?


  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hello! I've got PCOS and with low-carbing and the weight I've lost my bloodwork has improved so much that my Dr said she wouldn't even suspect PCOS at all anymore. I used to feel really sleepy all the time, that's gone and my mood swings seem to be a lot better too - not sure if those are purely down to losing weight and/or low-carbing but it's working for me :-))
  • RachaelT76
    RachaelT76 Posts: 26
    thats fantastic! I also have been blessed with PMDD (ugh) and take prozac for that. THats great to hear...makes me want to keep at it!!
  • JoyMorris5554
    Ahhh...I have PCOS and I hate it! I have never heard of eating less carbs to help with PCOS! I'm glad I stumbled across this message. Carbs are my weakness. I love bread and potatoes! I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, too. I was told it probably is a result of the PCOS. What treatments have you had for PCOS? I have taken birth control in the past, but I have not taken it in almost a year. It regulates my menstral cycle, but I have never seen any other benefits of taking it. My doc never seems to be too concerned with the PCOS...I hate it because of the embarrassment of facial hair. Any other diets tips for PCOS people?
  • RachaelT76
    RachaelT76 Posts: 26
    Ahhh...I have PCOS and I hate it! I have never heard of eating less carbs to help with PCOS! I'm glad I stumbled across this message. Carbs are my weakness. I love bread and potatoes! I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, too. I was told it probably is a result of the PCOS. What treatments have you had for PCOS? I have taken birth control in the past, but I have not taken it in almost a year. It regulates my menstral cycle, but I have never seen any other benefits of taking it. My doc never seems to be too concerned with the PCOS...I hate it because of the embarrassment of facial hair. Any other diets tips for PCOS people?

    There arent really any treatments for it, other than BC, which only deals with the symptoms. I had to stop taking it because it killed my sex drive. Weight Loss is supposed to help, Ive read (and had some success) that losing 10% of your weight can make a difference, it did with me. I am 35 now, had it since I was about 22 or 23. As I have gotten older its eased up some, periods a bit more regular, no luck with pregnancy however. I had hell of a time with losing weight, so I asked my Gyno about it and thats what she told me, lower calories and cut out the carbs. start at 100 per day and work down to 50. THe cravings are starting to go away...dying for potatoes but its fading. I know if I eat them I will have to start all over. Im a carb lover too...but if it will help Im all for it. Im sick of it.
  • McPenguin
    McPenguin Posts: 67
    I've been doing the low carb diet for PCOS (on doctor's orders) for 9 months now. I was diagnosed with PCOS 16 years ago.

    It took almost that long for my team of doctors to decide I should go low carb. And now... after 9 months... my doctor and specialist have said they can find no sign in my body of the PCOS anymore. I'm not tired, my periods have returned and are regular for the first time in my life, my hormone levels are all normal (including my insulin which was INSANELY high for a long time) and of course, the biggest side effect... I've lost 128 pounds. I now weigh less than I did entering puberty. It's been 20 years since I weighed this low. I love being at goal.

    I'll be eating this way the rest of my life, so that I can ENJOY my life.

    Take care, and enjoy the journey!
  • JoyMorris5554
    Thanks ladies. I am def going to give the less carbs thing a try! I wish you the best in your journey as well!
  • 6to36
    6to36 Posts: 6
    A low-gyclemic-index-food diet is recommended for PCOS as the first line lifestyle management of the condition (no sugar, white/refined foods). Check out the book "GI Diet". PCOS is related to insulin resistance and treated with the same drug (Metformin). Exercise is also important to balance blood sugar/insulin.
  • katrinapeters
    katrinapeters Posts: 1 Member
    I have PCOS as well and just found out that I had it. They did an ultrasound and blood work. I can tell you this much my sister and friend have it and their Doctors told them the same thing. Low carb high portien diet and depending on where your weight is at he put me on a diabetic pill. It helps with the insulin resistence. As for my sister since oddly she is skinny as a rail her PCOS is treat with diet alone. As for birth control that does nothing for the PCOS except regulate your periods. The diabetic medicine though (Metformin) helps with the insulin resistance and hormones. So I would speak to your doctor again especially if you are over weight,
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I have PCOS and follow a Dr. ordered low carb diet. It's helped so much. My symptoms are gone now! I have regular cycles and my skin cleared up. I also lost weight. My cholesterol is awesome now too. It was really helpful. BCP didn't work for me in helping with PCOS symptoms. Diet alone really helped!! Wish I would have known about it when I was a teen. I suffered so much when I was younger and no doctors ever really helped me until I was in my 30s.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    I'm low-carb, try to stick to low gi and take magnesium supplement, fantastic results for my pcos. My diary is open.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    I also have PCOS. It totally sucks I have tried calorie counting and moderate portions but I just don't lose weight and the cravings are unbearable. I have only been low carb for about a week now but I feel much better and really hope that my pcos will get better by staying away from so many carbs.