VitaLeta Member


  • Pick up Appetite for Reduction... super yummy vegan cookbook! You can also find more of her recipes at Post Punk Kitchen
  • I got this a bit when I first started. I had always just eaten with out much thought to calories or what not at all. Once I started tracking, I was really shell shocked. Especially when I started looking at some of the food I ate when we ate out. Once I started seeing that some of my (former) meals were more then I should…
  • I'm from the middle of nowhere in northwestern PA, but we live in State College now!
  • Count me in! My diet sounds quite similar to yours!
  • Even if I'm not measuring out an exact serving. I always dish it out on to a plate or in a bowl. Seeing it all in one place makes it easy to see how much you're eating. Nibbling chips out of the bag and before I know it the whole bag is gone!
  • I don't have any info for you to attempt to sway you one way or another. But my thoughts are that you just eat what works for you. Why put a label to it? If eating fish now and then works for you, then you're allowed! Make peace with it and don't guilt yourself over it! :)
  • We've (read: I've) been making these for my husband. They freeze really nice and reheat in the microwave in a few minutes. Then he's out the door breakfast in hand!
  • Yes! I hate that!
  • Really loud talking... this morning I had my ear buds in and could still hear every word of these two girl's conversation a few machines away.
  • Welcome! An Ohio girl wearing a Pittsburgh jersey! :) I doubt voluptous_veggie is gonna change your mind!
  • I guess that's what I am! haha... I follow basically a vegan diet with the addition of seafood. It's done wonders for my cholesterol, but I do struggle with the protein. I'm usually good (or at least close) on days when I have fish... I'm working at up on all the other days.
  • Perhaps try tracking your weight in a spreadsheet that will give you a daily average. Such as on . Then track your average loss instead of worrying over the day to day.
  • Maybe try the FiberOne Brownies? They're only 90 and packaged individually. And pretty filling and tasty! Or maybe a granola bar? Some fruit or dried fruit?
    in Cookies! Comment by VitaLeta August 2011
  • Go old school... When working with kids, I've found that some of the don't know the games we played as kids! Simple stuff, Red Light, Green Light... Hot Potato... all the silly games we've long forgotten. A lot of kids aren't ever even being taught! Now the kids I've worked with have been much younger, but they enjoyed…
  • I also have fish occasionally. Yeah, beans and rice is only getting me so far. Just looking for ways to switch it up! As for the side effects, this is what I found: - Feeling constantly lightheaded, unmotivated, and overtired - Constant sugar and carbohydrate cravings - Hair Loss - Growth retardation in babies and toddlers…
  • I haven't really experimented much with smoothies, though I probably should. Breakfast is one meal that I'm really lacking protein.
  • What protein powder do you use? I don't each much of the fake meat. I usually make my own burgers and such. The processed stuff is typically almost as high in fat and such as it would be if I just went ahead and ate meat.