I have about 7 pictures of various Beibsterz cutouts I see and desperately want to buy and pose all around my house. I think it's weirder NOT to take a pic!
Bluefox- 10, just for the Irish sweatshirt
I'm 18, 5'7", around 139
So many House jokes, so little time...
Ugh, I could use this too, no one else around me isdieting so they don't understand or want to talk about it
I'm 5'7"
I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't have meat very often, haha
I've been meaning to get into strength training, but it's difficult since I quit my gym. I've noticed that too with sugar, and I desperately need to cut alot out, but it's such a weakness of mine, grr...
Thanks, I'll try to cut back on carbs for a bit and watch my sodium :) I may be considered at a healthy weight, but I'm really dissatisfied with how I look, so I'd like to lose that last 10-20 lbs, which of COURSE are the hardest, haha.
I only burn about 200 on days I just walk, but honestly anything above 1400 seems like it's way too much