Netting under 1200 BMR

Okay, so I understand my overall food intake should be my cut TDEE, and that my net calories should never be under my BMR, but I can't manage to eat that much in a day... Is this harmful?

My TDEE is about 2300, and my cut TDEE is about 1700. My BMR is about 1400, and I burn approximately 300-400 calories on exercise days (5-6 times a week). After calculating in exercise, I usually can't even get my net calories above 1200, and I'm worried that this will only hamper my weight loss in the end.

It's not that I'm trying to go in to starvation mode- I recently just ended my recovery period from being in starvation mode for a few months, and I'm trying to lose weight correctly this time. Any advice or knowledge would be greatly appreciated


  • nutritionwhiz
    nutritionwhiz Posts: 221
    From what I understand if you use TDEE-15% as your daily calorie goal then you do not eat calories burned from exercise because TDEE already accounts for your weekly activity. It is recommended if you burn below your BMR then you should eat back up to that. But if you are having to do that alot it could mean you are not using a high enough activity factor.
  • jenniebee19
    jenniebee19 Posts: 19 Member
    oh my, i have so much to learn! i keep reading all these technical terms TDEE, BMR, lots of math too lolololol
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    What are your stats? You look small. I'm a lot older than you and I can eat 1800+ a day without gaining any weight. I am pretty sure you should be eating at least 1600 at your age, and with exercise even more.
  • HisBoswell
    HisBoswell Posts: 12
    I'm 18, 5'7", around 139
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    I don't worry about it. My intake is around 1300-1400 cals a day, my BMR is around 1500, and I exercise 200-700 cals off a day, usually around 300-400 cals a day. My net intake varies from 600-900 roughly.

    Guess what? I eat good for me stuff, I get around 60+ grams protein, and I'm full, energenic, and happy. My weight loss is about 1-2 lbs a week and I haven't stalled at all or lost massive amounts of weight since the first 2 weeks. Plus, I can see some muscle tone now.

    I don't believe in "starvation mode" or whatever. I feel healthy, look healthy, and I'm happy. So I'm not going to worry myself with the details, when I know I'm dieting the right way for me. Sometimes I eat over my calories, sometimes I eat some or all of my exercise calories.

    I accept my body and if my weight loss stalls or stops altogether I'm good with it. I'm just going to keep up my healthy lifestyle.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I don't worry about it. My intake is around 1300-1400 cals a day, my BMR is around 1500, and I exercise 200-700 cals off a day, usually around 300-400 cals a day. My net intake varies from 600-900 roughly.

    Guess what? I eat good for me stuff, I get around 60+ grams protein, and I'm full, energenic, and happy. My weight loss is about 1-2 lbs a week and I haven't stalled at all or lost massive amounts of weight since the first 2 weeks. Plus, I can see some muscle tone now.

    I don't believe in "starvation mode" or whatever. I feel healthy, look healthy, and I'm happy. So I'm not going to worry myself with the details, when I know I'm dieting the right way for me. Sometimes I eat over my calories, sometimes I eat some or all of my exercise calories.

    I accept my body and if my weight loss stalls or stops altogether I'm good with it. I'm just going to keep up my healthy lifestyle.

    Just throwing this out there but netting 600-900 calories per day isn't a healthy's a diet. Diets are temporary. I sincerely hope that you can reevaluate that and consider giving your body the fuel it needs. I promise it will catch up with you otherwise and you'll be frustrated as hell.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    You really don't even look like you need to lose weight to me.

    You could exercise and strength train and eat healthy and eat enough to fuel your body and you'd probably look and feel great.