

  • Thanks, I'm trying everything or maybe I feel like I am and I'm really not ... I don't know anymore. I just know things didn't seem so difficult before coming a mom. LOL I love my daughter with my whole being, but I just want a little of the old me back well just my size. Add to that I'm fairly short which always makes me…
  • I know the older we get the harder to take off the pounds but holy crap this is really difficult after becoming a mom so late in my 30's. But thanks for the advice, I think right now I'm concentrating on getting the eating properly down and then I'll add the working out in. I think I may be ripping myself off in the…
  • I'm right there with you. Only problem is I keep having to restart everyday. I don't know what it is but I'm eating all the time. But I've started to notice a pattern for example yesterday a bit stressful (family situation with my parents). I did great all day long until it became evening time when I finally get to sit…
  • Well I got sick and fell off the wagon ... I ate everything in sight over the week-end. I was doing so good but I also think I went a bit overboard. I was out of the gate like my pants were on fire. I mean I killed myself with cardio and every other single thing I could think of that would make me burn calories. Okay so I…
  • Hi my name is Angie ... absolutely add me and let's help each other. I need the same thing. I'm a busy mom still holding on to the "baby weight" help me loose it lol.
  • I didn't find it overly helpful. I found it was basic information you could find online for free. It's portion size, nutritional information, calorie counting and exercising everything you already know. I found it a bit restrictive also. However if you check in with them every week you might find that helpful. This is only…
  • So I did it. I just took the time for myself and I've lost 2 pounds. I've taken an hour a day to myself to do cardio, and I have even got in a few bubble baths (much needed after cardio). You were absolutely right we have to just take the time. And I think doing so helped me switch my thinking a bit, if my family is worth…
  • LOL its Saturday not even the evening time and I'm going through it right NOW! :laugh:
  • Day 5 ... I'm so sore from working out. Today I may have to find another form of exercise just to burn some calories. Like walking, I think I'll try pushing my daughter around in the stroller today for at least an hour. Doesn't burn as much calories as a cardio workout but at least I'll still be working out. Only problem…
  • I can't imagine having to work and take care of my daughter. Thankfully I'm lucky enough that we can afford to have me stay at home. So I probably shouldn't complain so much. A serious big round of applause to you for doing what you do. I've done really well for the past 3 days eating properly and exercising but it's still…
  • Its sad to say but I feel a bit better knowing I really am not alone. I love eating period. I love a glass of wine also ... let's face it sometimes it can be a saving grace in a tough day lol. I've done really well for the past 3 days. I've worked out each day and stayed with in my very low calorie allowance. I'm…
  • That was an awesome read ... and I experience each one of those true statements lol!
  • Just seeing what you wrote makes me feel better lol. I love sugar and unfortunately my husband loves it enough for the entire world. He's a snacker even after eating a whole meal ... right into the cupboard to find something to snack on! AHHHH ... how do you not join in ? I'm on another one of those days where ... today is…
  • Yes I also experience this ... plus add to that a husband who constantly SNACKS and loves CANDY. How do you not join in? It's almost like that has become "our time" alone and enjoyment. Our daughter is getting her last 4 molars ... so sleep is not sleep it has become almost like having a young baby again. How do you not…
  • Hi Lauren, My name is Angie I just posted today for the first time. I'd love to add you as a friend and help you. I'm still trying to figure this site out lol. I have a 2 year old daughter ... judging by your experience you can probably help me as well.