The evening always gets me.....



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I save the majority of my calories for after 7 pm.

    I usually eat around 300 for breakfast, which keeps me full until noon. I eat 4-500 for lunch (running total max 800). This leaves me 900 or so for my evening meal. I eat a big dinner and a dessert, and that keeps me happy and prevents evening binges. Works for me!
  • Helenroo
    I completely understand I just dont get it during the day Im all control and as night falls I turn into grazing cow mode. My mind blocks out all protest and reason until Ive swallowed it and then allows guilt to flow back in.

    A couple of things I find that helps is I tell my husband that Ive got the snack attacks and he keeps an eye on my travels to the kitchen. I also find knitting /crocheting helps so keeping the hands busy and I make a list of jobs like tidying my closet or emptying out kitchen drawers that sort of thing and basically tell myself that I cant have anything snacky until Ive finished a chore.

    It doesnt work all the time but it certainly works most of the time. :)
  • Dworkman002
    Oh, I'm right there with you! I hate being "hungry" in the evenings, but I have gotten to the place where I can tell myself that even though I might feel hungry, I just have to get past it. Now, I am certainly no expert (I've only been doing this for a little more than a month), but facing the urge to eat in the evenings has almost become a game to me, and I really try to beat it every day. If I HAVE to have a snack, I have found that a sugar-free popsicle (15 CALS!!) is pretty helpful. Folks, I know we don't know each other, but we can do this!! Each one of us needs to realize that we are not alone. There are literally TONS (pun intended) of people out there who are trying to lose weight, and we can use this forum as a support group. This time next year, I'm going to be able to ride my bike with my son, and hopefully even play some tennis! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    I have a SERIOUS problem with this. My biggest problem is wine in the evening. I love my wine, and there just aren't enough calories in the day for it. So, so sad... :( So very sad :(

    I'm right there with you, love my wine!!! I try to leave a little room for a glass, or run extra hard that day so I can enjoy :)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I do so good the whole day but by late afternoon to evening its like my body says, "your starving eat everything!" Anyone else go through this?

    It's like this for everyone. Having to eat at a calorie deficit is not fun. Think of it as a mortgage payment. The fat you accumulated on your body is your debt. The bigger your debt the longer it takes to pay it off. It's better to (maintain) just make interest payments than it is to go further into debt when you need to take a break from the deficit (interest and principle payments).

    The reason why someone who is overweight must eat less than the person next to them who is the same height but not over weight is because the person not overweight is debt free.

    It's hard to pay off debt. It makes you never want to go into debt again.

    i like this analogy^^^

    and yes i am the same way i like to eat at night.. the deficit is the only thing that matters so if you have to save your cals for night then just do that. it has worked for me:)
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    I think I could eat all the food in my kitchen post 830 p.m. I try walking, working out, playing with my dogs, whatever... but no matter... when I am done, I find myself in the kitchen shoving food down my throat like a famine will strike come sun up.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    I was a night eater + wine fanatic! Not sure if that's just a nice way of saying I overate at night and was an alcoholic? lol

    But anyways, to stop myself from eating and drinking wine past 7 or 8 I make tea. I went and bought all these flavors (decaf) and I made it a habit to only do that at night. It's sort of a ritual now and it was difficult at first but pretty soon it becomes habit and you won't feel that hunger pang anymore.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    I plan my evening indulgence so it fits within my calorie allotment. I often have a 16 ounce milkshake which fills me up and satisfies my sweet tooth. I freeze a few strawberries or a half a banana sliced. Then I put 1 cup of skim milk in the blender, add the fruit, a teaspoon full of lite hot chocolate mix and some artificial sweetner. It comes in at 200 calories or less and tastes and feels like a lot even though some of the volume must actually be air.
  • cheekykiwi2
    omg i get the whole bored snacker thing :( i wish i could break the evil cycle
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Oh sure. You're not alone in this.

    This is why I eat light most of the day, so that I have caloric room for my weakness in the evenings. Sometimes I'll snack on fruit or nuts. But then there are those popcorn, ice cream, or chocolates kind of nights. As long as I leave room for them, it is not a problem -- thank goodness. Otherwise, weight loss would be impossible for me. I'm just not able to give up anything, so I must plan for everything. :happy:
  • fattypattybinger
    My Mom has been visiting so I haven't done my usual routine. She has brought so much junk food in my house it is horrible. Cookies, donuts, candy bars. I came up with the idea to draw a circle with a line thru it with my Initial. Believe it or not it works. I did leave a few snacks unlabeled. Cool Ranch Dorito's my favorite and I can count out the amount of the serving size. I have stared at those donuts, I have craved those jelly filled donuts but have pushed thru. It scares me when she is gone hopefully I won't eat everything in sight.
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    I am going to try the protein shake in the evening idea; some nights are easier than others for me depending on how much water and fruit/vegs I eat during the day. I have a natures bounty vegetable chocolate protein shake mix. I am going to save 200 calories to drink that after dinner tomorrow night. Apples really fill me up during the day. Gala apples are so good and Fuji is the other really good brand.
  • MiSo_SeXy
    MiSo_SeXy Posts: 210 Member
    yup, same here. i keep a steady supply of hard boiled eggs and apples in this case. ^^
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I do so good the whole day but by late afternoon to evening its like my body says, "your starving eat everything!" Anyone else go through this?

    It's like this for everyone. Having to eat at a calorie deficit is not fun. Think of it as a mortgage payment. The fat you accumulated on your body is your debt. The bigger your debt the longer it takes to pay it off. It's better to (maintain) just make interest payments than it is to go further into debt when you need to take a break from the deficit (interest and principle payments).

    The reason why someone who is overweight must eat less than the person next to them who is the same height but not over weight is because the person not overweight is debt free.

    It's hard to pay off debt. It makes you never want to go into debt again.

    I totally agree. So true!! Never want to be in debt again.
  • nevadagirl1970
    The Mortgage analogy is awesome. I will def keep this in the back of my mind. I'm paying off a body debt. Cool "cause I'm a bookkeeper and I get it. Thanks so much for this great post.
  • nevadagirl1970
    I like your positive attitude. and your right support is key.
  • angieb74
    LOL its Saturday not even the evening time and I'm going through it right NOW! :laugh: