rcarri Member


  • I ran a search for the free Prime videos that were made after 2010. These are the results. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_p_n_feature_three_br_0?rh=n%3A2858778011%2Ck%3Afitness%2Cp_85%3A2470955011%2Cp_n_feature_three_browse-bin%3A2651255011&bbn=2858778011&keywords=fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1398092138&rnid=2651254011
  • Houston, TX
  • Sunburn, windburn or dehydration are my guesses. Try chapstick when you go out and drink plenty of water.
  • Wow!! That is an amazing transformation!
  • I probably should, but I don't log any food on the weekends. I still try to maintain a lower calorie diet, but I'll allow myself a little splurge on Saturday or Sunday.
  • I've had an IUD for about a year and a half. I will say that in that time is when I have gained the weight that I'm trying to get rid of now, but I really don't blame the increase on the IUD. I blame it on me being lazy and eating too much and drinking too much beer.
  • Once you lose all of your teeth, you'll weigh even less! Actually, I am taking a diet pill in addition to eating better and working out. It doesn't seem to be making any difference at all whatsoever.
  • I'm interested in these "balls" you have in your ring. I can barely get my rings over my knuckles, but they spin all day when I'm wearing them.
  • I buy all my bras from barenecessities.com. They have a wide range of sizes and they have some really good specials. ***Ooops...sorry, I missed the "not online" part.
  • I am wearing a 32DD right now. It fit fine when I bought it, but its not fitting anymore. I don't trust VS to measure me (besides they don't sell bras in my size). The last time I was measured at VS, the lady told me I should wear a 38A, ummmm......I don't think so. Even the fullest part of my chest is less than 38".
  • My hubby is about an inch shorter than me and 15 lbs lighter. That is why I'm here.
  • I can live without just about any sweets and I'm not real fond of greasy foods. My main salty/carb weakness is chips and salsa and my true weakness is beer.
  • That's great!
  • I know a couple of women that each had two kids and both work out regularly and both have flat stomachs. I on the other hand, do not. Hopefully, with proper diet and exercise, I too can join the flat belly club!
  • Hi! I'm Rita. I am 26 years old (almost) married to a wonderful guy. We have three boys living with us - ages 4, 7 and 8. The oldest and the youngest are my children and the middle is a long story. I have never lived a "healthy" life, but I'm ready to give it a shot to get back down to a more comfortable weight.