Birth Control and women

I am just curious how much birth control effects weight loss and gain. Based off the doctor they say there is potential but not enough research proving for sure. If a woman lives healthily she shouldn't have a problem is what I've read. But so many chicks say the depo and IUD's make you pack on weight. I think that some women are sensitive and others just are unhealthy meaning they do pack on the weight. I am promising myself I won't make that excuse for myself like I have in the past.


  • paruls86
    paruls86 Posts: 188 Member
    I am just curious how much birth control effects weight loss and gain. Based off the doctor they say there is potential but not enough research proving for sure. If a woman lives healthily she shouldn't have a problem is what I've read. But so many chicks say the depo and IUD's make you pack on weight. I think that some women are sensitive and others just are unhealthy meaning they do pack on the weight. I am promising myself I won't make that excuse for myself like I have in the past.
    I am no expert my self but My gynae has refused to prescribe ne any pills coz of my weight... and believe me I have had many gynae
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    My gyno told me that in some individuals it increases appetite so you eat more and gain. Counting calories you should be fine.

    I have been on nuvarring for a year and no issues
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I gained weight when I went on BC but it may be because I started dating my boyfriend around the same time, went back to school, starting eating out more and stopped working out...

    Only thing I've noticed in weight gain and trying to lose weight was in my chest. Which wasn't really a negative side effect for me hahaha :smile:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I gained weight on birth control pills and once I stopped I was able to drop the weight. I then had an iud and while I did gain weight, it wasn't because of the iud... It was my own fault, so I buckled down and lost the weight while still having the iud. I only found it impossible to lose weight while on the pill, but not with an iud.
  • It increases your appetite, or at least the pill I was on did. My doctor told me not to change my eating habits even though I might feel a bit hungrier because I was already quite overweight. If you're careful about your eating habits you'll be fine :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am just curious how much birth control effects weight loss and gain. Based off the doctor they say there is potential but not enough research proving for sure. If a woman lives healthily she shouldn't have a problem is what I've read. But so many chicks say the depo and IUD's make you pack on weight. I think that some women are sensitive and others just are unhealthy meaning they do pack on the weight. I am promising myself I won't make that excuse for myself like I have in the past.

    Totally depends on the woman and the BC.

    I never had any issues with weight on the pill. I did gain, but not because of the BC. And I had no problem losing. I have Mirena now and literally the month after I got it, I started having problems and almost three years later, I'm still having problems.

    And it's not because of eating more or exercising less.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Hormonal birth control effects are COMPLETELY individual in their effects. I was on a low-dose pill for nearly 4 years, didn't have any issue losing weight, didn't gain anything, didn't have crazy mood swings.. Nothing. But my sister gained weight, had crazy spotting, and was a grumpy mess all the time.

    It really is completely dependent on your individual body makeup and responses, but being active, eating healthy, and just generally maintaining a healthy lifestyle will definitely go a long way with preventing negative responses.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    IUDs are known to pack on weight. Most people believe that only the Mirena (or other hormone-releasing IUDs) effect your weight, but I have had 2 copper IUDs and had issues with both.

    Coppe IUDs can lead to too much copper in your body and you end up suffering from copper toxicity. I recently had mine removed because of this. The copper messes with your hormones, big time. Not to mention every other part of your body: neurological, physical, hormonal, you name it.

    I was having many health issues and finally discovered my IUD was the cause.

    So any birth control that effects hormones (which they all do) can cause weight issues. Some women are very lucky though and have no problem.
  • rcarri
    rcarri Posts: 17 Member
    I've had an IUD for about a year and a half. I will say that in that time is when I have gained the weight that I'm trying to get rid of now, but I really don't blame the increase on the IUD. I blame it on me being lazy and eating too much and drinking too much beer.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Yup, BC definitely causes a gain! If you're not careful that is! It also can make it more difficult to lose weight, depending on the particular formulation you use. In my opinion, it's a choice. I'm losing weight even on an implant version of BC! Slow, but as long as it comes off, I'm happy!
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Birth control has always given me a plethora of terrible side effects, but luckily, weight retention/gain isn't one of them. I've been on the pill for about three and a half years, and right now I'm on Microgestin, which is a low-estrogen mostly-progestine pill. However, I think estrogen pills seem to have a worse rap when it comes to weight gain.
  • I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    I asked my doctor when I first went on the pill when I was 19 if it would make me gain weight, she said that it was kind of a myth. She said some women gained weight because that pill or other birth control was not right for their bodies.

    I did gain a little weight--but that was my own fault. I didn't exercise nor did eat healthy at the time. I've been on 3 different brands in the last 6 years and I don't believe any of them made me gain weight, I believe my bad health choices had a lot to do with it.

    Also I have PCOS and this is the easiest way for me to manage my symptoms.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I have had zero problem losing weight while on the pill, and the pill is definitely not the reason i gained weight.

    I'm sure it can vary by individual, but as long as you're committed to a healthy lifestyle, losing/maintaining your weight shouldn't be an issue for most.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    My nurse tells me that it doesn't have much of an effect on weight. I'm on the mini pill (Progesterone-only pill) Cerazette.
    When I came off it, I lost around 3 stone. Granted, a lot of it may have been from stress or whatever, as I had just broken up with my fiance and moved back into my parents' home. But i was eating nothing but crap and as soon as I came off the Pill, the weight dropped off. When I went back on it, the weight came right back on, gradually. It might be a coincidence, I dunno!
  • Also, the concept of a lo-estrogen pill is like a light cigarette. It's not really any less-harmful. My mother suffered multiple blood clots around last Christmas after being placed on a low-estrogen pill. Don't be fooled, ladies.
  • I have the Mirena (IUD)...inserted since last July 2011. And, while I haven't gained weight because of it, it also hasn't controlled the irregular bleeding that I deal with basically every two weeks!

    Did I mention that I'm dealing with it now? Today? Ugh...I'm pissed off just thinking about it. :explode:
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member

    Totally depends on the woman and the BC.

    I never had any issues with weight on the pill. I did gain, but not because of the BC. And I had no problem losing.

    I'm the same. I have been using microgynon for over 10 years and I have had no problems. I have gained and lost my weight whilst using BC but I again wouldn't put it as being a contributing factor to either
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    Not all birth control is the same and it's not simply a matter of individual sensitivity. DepoProvera gives a patient a high dose of hormones all at once, it does tend to cause weight gain, as does Norplant.

    Some pills are high-dose, others aren't (like Loestrin/Microgestin, which are associated with low rates of side effects), still others are high-dose of certain hormone in some phases and lower in others, while increasing the dose of other hormones (OrthoTricyclen).

    Some IUDs are drug-eluting, and others aren't.

    Consider also this is not by any means exhaustive of the hormone-based birth control options, and doesn't take into account individual sensitivities.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have to say, any of you using or considering using the pill, shots, an IUD or any other hormonal device, you need to do some serious research about the side effects.

    I am NOT some religious nut who thinks birth control is wrong. I use condoms religiously. I am a medical professional who wants you all to know what your doctor probably won't tell you.

    Like, did you know your risk for a blood clot is WAY higher on hormone bc, EVEN if you don't smoke! And a common side effect for all hormonal bs'c, and even non-hormone IUD's are tubal pregnancies, infertility and miscarriage.

    Why do doctors usually leave these types of facts out of the discussion? Because the pharmaceutical companies don't give them kick-backs on condoms.

    My best advice as a woman and a friend is, stick to condoms!!!!

    A very good friend of mine had a serious stroke a little over a year ago taking Yaz. If you have issues with clotting in your family, seriously avoid using BC! It can be very dangerous for those with genetic predisposition for stroke.