polaris8 Member


  • I look at this like the lesser of two evils, its better to go with the Dems than certainly the GOP. Obama's statement is appreciated, but it's really nothing more than a platitude of good will. It's essentially just his opinion because they're saying that gay marriage will not be on the Dem platform this election. So, he's…
  • Sashimi is one of my main lunch items. I usually go for salmon, tuna, mackerel, or any really. My all time favourite item is the salmon roe (ikuru), and I love the flavour and sensation. I'm not really eating much sushi anymore though as I'm avoiding rice on the diet but not missing it too much. I go for sashimi and some…
  • I find my body learns and adjusts to my eating and exercuse routines. So, I try to shake up the patterns by "tricking" my system when I hit a plateau. For instance, I track my carbohydrate intake and if I have been under 50 grams a day for a while (ie in ketosis), I'll push them up to 50-100 grams a day. If the reverse is…
  • Interesting discussion but just remember that no one ever thinks it will happen to them. I seriously hope none of you or your family are ever wrongly convicted of a crime and end up with the death penalty or in the medieval prison conditions being advocated here. The economic arguement is lame as well. All countries have…
  • This sums it up for me, Even if the State takes just one life in an unjust way, the system no longer has legitimacy or credibility. It's too grave of a mistake to give into public sentiment that seeks vengeance. Having lived in both the US and Europe, the perspective on things is very different. The paradox to Europeans is…
  • I was vegetarian in the sense that most of the processed foods I ate, including meats, were composed of corn and grain by-products. I came into Paleo/Primal as a result of wanting foods that are whole, natural, organic, wild or nutritionally complete.
  • I agree, and I take BMI with a grain of salt. It also seems to not make much sense if you're on either end of the height range. I'm 6'4"/194 cm and BMI tells me my "healthy" weight should be between 152 and 205 lbs / 69-93 kg. I have an average sized frame. I can't imagine someone my height, even with a small frame looking…