

  • Hello I'm not sure what your weight issues have been in the past or what your weight is right now but it is perfectly normal to have gained 15 lbs at 4.5 months pregnant. If you are an average sized woman you need to gain between 25 to 35 lbs during your pregnancy. If you were overweight at the time of conception you…
  • Awwww. Cute quote true! Happy Mother's Day to all!
  • Thank you Nadyasmom! Nice to meet you too! I was so happy to find this thread. We live in the United Arab Emirates. We are still adjusting to the heat! I am from CA and my husband is from MA. I miss the CA weather. Dry heat is so nice compared to the humidity!!! 4 years is quite a long time. Good to know there is someone…
  • Hi Everyone I'm so happy to have found this thread. I am a stay at home mom to our 4 1/2 month old daughter and we recently relocated overseas. Its been a big adjustment. On top of that we have taken in a stray dog that is constantly in need of exercise. I have little to no motivation to go on walks b/c it seems like so…
  • I love the idea of having one free day each week : ) It helps me get through my week.
  • I am grateful for: -My family. My husband is so amazing and he loves me unconditionally. My daughter is such a blessing and I enjoy watching her grow everyday. -Being able to be a stay-at-home-mom who does not need to budget. My hubby works hard for our family. -The path God has created for us and is guiding us on…
  • Great suggestion. Thanks!
    in coffee Comment by lyshpeach April 2009
  • I just ran across a forum filled with weight gain complaints for Jolivette. I'm not the only one.
  • First of all, it sounds like you are expecting way too much out of yourself. You are only one person and cannot do it all! Take it one step at a time. Also, stress, exhaustion, and hunger are the top diet killers. Make sure you have extra snacks with you at all times. This is very important if you live an active lifestyle…
  • Haha...absolutely positive my hubby wouldn't be happy with that. I wish I didn't have to take it. We were apart for 2 months; hence the reason why I have waited to start taking it.
  • Good for you. Keep up the good work!!!!:happy:
  • I'm not trying to diet. I only joined this site because logging what I eat will hopefully help me realize that I need to eat more nutritiously (I tend to eat a lot of junk). I'm pretty sure its the birth control b/c I've only been on it for 1 mo. and started to get the urge to eat everything about 2 weeks ago. I'm taking…
  • Hey Everyone I just started a new birth control and it is making me eat soooo much. I am not even hungry but I just want to eat. I am still breastfeeding my daughter and there were only a few options I could take that wouldn't reduce my milk supply. On top of that we have just relocated overseas so it would be really…