New Birth Control is making me eat. Help!

lyshpeach Posts: 14
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Hey Everyone
I just started a new birth control and it is making me eat soooo much. I am not even hungry but I just want to eat. I am still breastfeeding my daughter and there were only a few options I could take that wouldn't reduce my milk supply. On top of that we have just relocated overseas so it would be really difficult to see a doctor to talk about other options. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me not eat so mindlessly???? Please help.


  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    Hey Everyone
    I just started a new birth control and it is making me eat soooo much. I am not even hungry but I just want to eat. I am still breastfeeding my daughter and there were only a few options I could take that wouldn't reduce my milk supply. On top of that we have just relocated overseas so it would be really difficult to see a doctor to talk about other options. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me not eat so mindlessly???? Please help.
  • bellastella86
    bellastella86 Posts: 25 Member
    Chew gum. It really helps. Also, drink lots of water. And if you have to be munchy, make sure you have fruits, veggies, and other healthy options (air popped popcorn) available ALWAYS. That way you won't be throwing away calories. Good luck. Also try eating smaller meals more frequently to see if that helps. And if all else fails, maybe try to switch to one of the other options of pills if possible?
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    What birth control are you taking?

    I would suggest if you are healthy options... like fruits/veggies...100 cal packs!
  • Are you sure its the Birth Control!
    If you are breast feeding you really should not "diet", you need (if I remember right) and extra 500 calories a day when breast feeding.
    So say you are given 1200 cals a day... you need to take in 1700 cals BUT healthy calories.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Are you sure its the Birth Control!
    If you are breast feeding you really should not "diet", you need (if I remember right) and extra 500 calories a day when breast feeding.
    So say you are given 1200 cals a day... you need to take in 1700 cals BUT healthy calories.

    Im taking Depo and it makes me hungry all the time they say most people on it gain 30lbs because it makes them feel hungry all the time.. i just try to eat healthy stuff when i feel hungry all the time! What birth control are you on??
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Im taking Depo and it makes me hungry all the time they say most people on it gain 30lbs because it makes them feel hungry all the time.. i just try to eat healthy stuff when i feel hungry all the time! What birth control are you on??

    I took Depo a long time ago and it's why I'm here now! I ended up gaining about 15 lbs, went off (no BF, no relationship, etc) and then went back on (new BF) and gained another 20 lbs!!! I stopped taking it because I'd be completely wiped out for the remainder of the day after the shot and then would drag for the next two weeks! :yawn: I figured it really slowed my metabolism WAY down. And, thanks to Depo, my bras have to be bought online because I'm now ~ 32G (from 34C).

    A report was recently released that says Depo does do what I experienced (~ 15 years ago). It was good to feel vindicated, but that doesn't make my chest smaller! Anyway, I hope that you have better luck on it. I'm now on an oral (Desogen) and have been for about 10 years and I'm doing much better (just wish the boobs would shrink!). :grumble:
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I gained 60 lbs in 2 years on depo. I would finish dinner and have to eat again within an hour. It's also why I'm here.

    Try to occupy yourself with activities so you won't even think of food.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Maybe we should start a "Depo Stinks" thread! :laugh:
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    I'm not trying to diet. I only joined this site because logging what I eat will hopefully help me realize that I need to eat more nutritiously (I tend to eat a lot of junk). I'm pretty sure its the birth control b/c I've only been on it for 1 mo. and started to get the urge to eat everything about 2 weeks ago.
    I'm taking Jolivettte. I was on the Nuva Ring before and loved it but the Dr. said it would decrease my milk supply.
    Thanks for all the ideas ladies!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    keep busy- Eat better foods the problem with junk food is it doesn't fill you up which makes you want to eat more-
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    abstain from the deed
    then no need for the birth control
    then no over eating
    case closed

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    abstain from the deed
    then no need for the birth control
    then no over eating
    case closed


    THAT philosophy is guaranteed to make lyshpeach REALLY popular with the father of her child !!:laugh:
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    abstain from the deed
    then no need for the birth control
    then no over eating
    case closed

    Haha...absolutely positive my hubby wouldn't be happy with that. I wish I didn't have to take it. We were apart for 2 months; hence the reason why I have waited to start taking it.
  • cryt11
    cryt11 Posts: 51 Member
    Try taking it before bed. I do this and have less side effects like nausea etc
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    I just ran across a forum filled with weight gain complaints for Jolivette. I'm not the only one.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You can talk to your doctor about switching. Different formulas might not affect you the same way or as much.

    As for abstaining ... husbands don't seem to be into that type of thing; I know mine isn't.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I have taken the depo shot twice- when I was a teenager and I did gain weight but lost it soon after but that was just like 10lbs-

    Then after my 1st daughter I lost the 30lbs after giving birth with in 2 months the depo shot kicked in and packed on the same 30lbs-
    Doctor said it tricks my body into thinking that it is pregnant which is why i wasn't get periods- Needless to say I never went back for my next shot and just took the pill-
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Take up knitting or something that keeps your hands busy.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Take up knitting or something that keeps your hands busy.


    or a good game of checkers!!!:laugh:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Birth control messed with me, if it wasn't hunger it was crazy mood swings. Our main form of birth control before and after babies was either a diaphram or condoms, eliminates the extra hormones and craziness.

    Best birth control was when we decided to quit having more kids and hubby went and got snipped:bigsmile:
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