Stay At Home Moms/Dads--5/4--5/10



  • cjehle
    cjehle Posts: 3
    One of my favorite dishes is Grilling the Chicken Breasts and slicing it up and mixing salad greens with Ceasar dressing. Toss and serve. Of course, the more veggies you like to add, the more it will help with variety and filling you up.

    I also have a great recipe for taking an angel food cake mix (dry) and mixing it with a large can of crushed pineapple (juice and all). Stir. Spray the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 until done. It shouldn't take longer than a half hour or so. Serve with fat free cool whip.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for the ideas--and that pineapple cake sounds luscious. :bigsmile:

    welcome, btw!

    and ahmee-how nice that you got to be with your sisters. it does change things up a bit.

  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    hey all I have been MIA for along time...

    Well the latest thing in my life has been horrible..Last sunday evening my son Josh had a trampoline accident and was life flighted to Indy to Rileys..He doing much better he can walk and Praise God...He has 2 compressed fractures in his neck and in a neck brace until June 5th when we go back to rileys and have another mri done....I also found out that I myself have a 25 to 35 % of having cervical cancer I thought that was over with but went to a new dr for a 2nd opinion and well June 16th I will be having 5 surgeries in 1....My life has been crazy the last 18 months I just have to give to God now..and keep praying..I hope everyone is doing well and if you have a trampoline please throw it out..My son was almost pralized* from the neck down...Yes we had a net yes I was watching him...These things are so dangerous and not only was my son hurt but there was 3 other accidents that day at different homes..My son is wanting to have them banned and I agree..Ohh and I've gained 30 pounds back I'm so stressed I dont know what to do..Hope all is well with everyone and having better luck then me...
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    lenence--Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about your son. Praise the Lord that he is okay. Praying for him and for your family to be able to get the well deserved break that you need!

    Cjehele--Welcome! Happy to meet you! That cake sounds absoluetely delicious. Would it work with regular cake mix too?

    Ahmee--that's so wonderful to have your sisters around! Do you live far from each other?

    Stacey--wow--I don't know that restaurant, but I guess I don't need to either eh? I'm so sorry that it was such a waste. Don't worry about the swelling--it will go down. Just drink lots and lots.
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    Hi Everyone
    I'm so happy to have found this thread. I am a stay at home mom to our 4 1/2 month old daughter and we recently relocated overseas. Its been a big adjustment. On top of that we have taken in a stray dog that is constantly in need of exercise. I have little to no motivation to go on walks b/c it seems like so much work just to get out the door!
    So, I'm here for motivation. Please help :)
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Hi Lyshpeach--welcome! Happy to have you here. I'm a new girl on this thread too, but I can tell you--these women are wonderful! You recently moved overseas? Do you mind telling us where? I'm originally from WA, but I've been living in India for the last 4 years--so I understand the cross-cultural stuff. I know that each country is different, but the same challenges can arise--so let me know if you need any help, or if I can answer any questions (or at least try to answer). ;)
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    hey everyone welcome to all the newbies on here this site is great. Sorry to all who have been unwll or been dealing with accidents hope all are on the road to recovery.

    I have been rushed off my feet still looking after my mums dogs every day driving 30 mins then grooming them and walking them and feeding her tortoise getting sick of it now, this is the 3rd time in 8 months they have gone away to florida for a fortnight and left me looking after their stuff I resent them because they gate crashed our holiday 18mnths ago and ruined it wouldnt let us spend any quality family time with our kids to the point that they were rude about and caused a huge fight we have since been saving every penny to go back again and it has been tough as the holiday is costing £6000 before spends they have been 3 times though aarrrggghhh it just annoys me oh well 3 weeks 6 days til our dream vacation.

    Breeder is still speaking to me about the puppy going to go see him on the 4th june cant wait hopefully he will have his eye test just after that and she will e-mail me the results and all being well we will pick him up on the 28th on our way home cant wait.
    We had some gr8 news this weekend my Cavalier spaniel Taz won best of breed and best cavalier in show on sunday I was totally stunned as I thought we didnt stand a chance but how wrong was I.

    Pregnancy seems to be going ok getting a bit tired now but its ok I get the odd twinge when I feel naseous but nothing bad so maybe wont be as bad as I thought I am only 5 weeks though so just keeping fingers crossed got a docs app for 19th prob just have bloods done then I dont like to go to soon there is no point. Not exercised over the last 2 weeks been too busy but will get back to normal next week so will get stuck into shred again and make some effort to use the crosstrainer for 30 mins most days.

    Hope all are ok and have a gr8 weekend all.:smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    vicky--whew!! and you have exercised--the way you walk those dogs counts as exercise in my book. :drinker:
    glad you're doing ok pg wise--i was just going to pm you to check up on you. so thanks for the update.

    lenece--((HUGS)) i'm glad your son is "ok" but so sorry you've gone thru this. you have just had it so rough lately. my heart goes out to you. :heart:

    as for my extra salt--i did two leslie sansone dvd's yesterday so burned a lot--and drank 10 glasses of water. yowza! so the swelling is gone and i don't feel yukky from that crud.
    this is gonna sound warped--but i'd rather eat my own homemade "crap" than all this other stuff. that is, i'd rather eat my homemade cookies than the packaged kind. at least i know what i'm getting. honestly, i read other threads and so many people are COMMITTED to healthy food. that's not the case so much for me. i want to still eat my sweets and such. i just want to do it in more moderation and thoughtfulness than before. and i want water and exercise more incorporated into my life. w/the help of this site and you gals, i'm on my way. :happy: so thank you for being there again and again.

    welcome also lyshpeach! this is a great thread with people who come in and out. a big mix of people too. so, glad you found us and hope you'll post often (i need things to read and distract me from my real responsibilites--that da-- laundry!). :laugh:
    so where in the world are you?? most of us are stateside but tazzy/vicky is in great britain and brenda is in india as she mentioned. i'm in las vegas, where it's to be a sunny 95 today.

    taking the 2 little ones to the park with water features. in fact, lv has lots of those kinds of parks plus many parks are covered/shaded. it is actually on the list of things i like about living here.

    oh vicky! congrats on taz's win! how amazing--extra hugs to her for me. :smooched:

    ok, must move on. we are bound to be late for school AGAIN. later chicas--
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    Hi Lyshpeach--welcome! Happy to have you here. I'm a new girl on this thread too, but I can tell you--these women are wonderful! You recently moved overseas? Do you mind telling us where? I'm originally from WA, but I've been living in India for the last 4 years--so I understand the cross-cultural stuff. I know that each country is different, but the same challenges can arise--so let me know if you need any help, or if I can answer any questions (or at least try to answer). ;)

    Thank you Nadyasmom! Nice to meet you too! I was so happy to find this thread. We live in the United Arab Emirates. We are still adjusting to the heat! I am from CA and my husband is from MA. I miss the CA weather. Dry heat is so nice compared to the humidity!!! 4 years is quite a long time. Good to know there is someone on here that understands my adjustment. Thanks so much! Keep up the good work :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    saw this quote today--how appropos

    “A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” ~Tenneva Jordan

    happy mother's day--early! :flowerforyou:
  • lyshpeach
    lyshpeach Posts: 14
    Awwww. Cute quote true!
    Happy Mother's Day to all!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    kathy, i finally made the chkn last night. it was good--i had to cook it in the oven tho b/c grill out of gas. still tasty, so thanks for the easy suggestion. :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    :flowerforyou: morning!
    here is the link for this week's thread. hope to see you over there!
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