Sorce Member


  • I'm pretty sure I've made the having a stroke face before trying to get that last rep.
  • You could always plan for it, don't look at dinner as your end of the day. Plan to be under by however many calories your snack of choice is. Then you can have it and still be under.
  • I do not log any cardio exercise with the fitbit I will log strength exercises since it can't track those.
  • I think that is more of a reason to log everything and be honest. I know I will go out and eat over my anticipated calories for lunch. Seeing what I have left I can make the choice to get some exercise in to give me more calories or try to eat a lower calorie dinner. Even if I can't exercise back the mistake I will still…
  • I've overindulged for 31 years. I'm now serious about getting in shape the right way. If I have a bad day or week I look at why but put it in the past. There is nothing I can do about it but stick to my plan and keep at it. If you're taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back you are still moving forward.
  • In my experience I tend to weigh more after lifting. I drink water while working out so I'm sure it's water weight. Initially it lasted for quite a while, now it doesn't last long. Since I started out lifting and didn't see any change on the scale for the first month I've learned to trust the measuring tape more. I had…