wenshel7 Member


  • This one may not work in the fridge though... [/quote] This is how I hide my Milky Way bites from my kids. LOL
  • Me, too! :laugh:
  • This.
  • So sad, to have to lock stuff up in your own home, but the lock box in the freezer and in the fridge are a good idea. My roomies (aka: kids) are chunky little sneaks who forget about moderation once the box of Goldfish crackers is open. I had to get a freezer with a lock on it and put a lock on the snack cabinet to be able…
  • I have found, for myself, that if I deprive myself of my beloved Diet Dr. Pepper for 6-8 weeks to cleanse my system, as soon as I start drinking it again, I have a marked increase in sweets cravings. Aspartame/phenylalanine are not good for the body even though they have become a regular substitute for sugar. Your mouth is…
  • My ex (while we were still married) said- "If you'd just gain another 40 pounds instead, you could qualify for bariatric surgery." ARGH! Which HE had, which was an ultimate FAIL.
  • I did just scan through the book Eat To Live, and find it looks very similar to the Daniel Fast (not actually a fast, but an eating plan). This brings out much more of the science of that way of eating, where-as in the Daniel plan it is more of a Spiritual journey as well. I did the Daniel way over Lent last year and lost…
  • I just downloaded it for free from my public library to my Kindle. Looking forward to reading it this evening. :smile:
  • I did not know this at all. Makes me re-think a bit, considering Jesus gave His all for us, that makes sense. I will make it a goal to do something extra for someone else each day along with my other commitments. :smile: Thank you for posting this!
  • So glad to have found this post. I was going to just give up sweets and treats, but after reading I think I will do that and replace those craving moments with the daily Bible or other Christian reading to help me focus on the WHY of Lent. I'm not catholic, but do believe that the practice of Lent can cross all…
  • You made a good point about logging in what you drink. Some beverages have a lot of calories and sugars and it adds up quickly. It is a good idea to try to replace these things with water - which I have a hard time with myself as a Diet Dr. Pepper addict, but I always encourage my kiddos to not "drink their calories".…
  • If you access the Atkin's website, it is full of good information, lists of low-carb foods and even an "induction" phase to help you get started. I don't follow Atkin's strictly, but am doing low carb - you can look at my diary, just ignore the holidays and birthdays :laugh:
  • Your body was created to let you know when it needs more food. Hunger is a natural indicator that we as American's have learned to ignore based on "health" fads and scientific theories (guesses). Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you are satisfied (not stuffed). I wouldn't cram anything else in, especially when trying to…
  • If I drink (rum shots only here!), my weight loss will stall, completely, for like, three days. I just don't drink (for now) until I get ALOT closer to my goal weight.
  • Me too!
  • I'm trying to lose 101 pounds, and looking for others as well in this journey. So CONGRATS to you on your great start! I love the inspiring way folks communicate here, so uplifting and encouraging. I am six weeks in and 14 pounds down and have just started logging in some exercise. :) Let's keep up the good work!
  • Maybe it's weird, but I like to brush my teeth right after dinner. Toothpaste is sweet mint and then you spit it out, no calories, no carbs! Then, I'm like, I already brushed, can't eat anything else. (I'll still brush again before I actually go to bed, lol).