Night Hunger



  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    Just realised this last night. Had a satisfying dinner accompany by a glass of water to fill the stomach up. I was full and slightly bloated actually. Yet, my brain still craves for more calorific snacks. Instead of fulfilling those cravings, I pop a Sour Plum Tablet into my mouth instead, figures it will keep my mouth busy while the tablet melts slowly. 3 tablets later, the craving stops.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Also addressing the ham pickle doubter, haven't you ever had those little pickle ham cream cheese things at parties or picnics?


    Maybe it is a midwest thing. It is pretty tasty though!

    LOL could be ….sorry just never had it..or seen it..or tried it...
  • synapse0782
    synapse0782 Posts: 25 Member
    I get hungry at night too, even if I had a big dinner. I find drinking water or hot tea really helps, gives me something to do. If that fails and I have a sweet tooth, I do ricotta cheese with some vanilla/almond extract, shaved almonds, and a truvia packet. It's good.

    BTW - I LOVE the ham pickle thing but usually with cream cheese :) However all that sodium could be contributing to the problem, I know when I'm on sodium overload I feel hungry and usually am really thirsty.
  • wenshel7
    wenshel7 Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe it's weird, but I like to brush my teeth right after dinner. Toothpaste is sweet mint and then you spit it out, no calories, no carbs! Then, I'm like, I already brushed, can't eat anything else. (I'll still brush again before I actually go to bed, lol).
  • SkinnyRach22
    I get hungry at night too, even if I had a big dinner. I find drinking water or hot tea really helps, gives me something to do. If that fails and I have a sweet tooth, I do ricotta cheese with some vanilla/almond extract, shaved almonds, and a truvia packet. It's good.

    BTW - I LOVE the ham pickle thing but usually with cream cheese :) However all that sodium could be contributing to the problem, I know when I'm on sodium overload I feel hungry and usually am really thirsty.

    I have a huge sodium problem. I LOVE salt. It is bad but I am working on it. That ricotta cheese snack sounds really good. I use truvia all the time.

    Also that is a good idea with the brushing of the teeth but I would always just brush my teeth again, food problems over here.

    YES for knowing about the delicious ham pickle cream cheese snack!!! I should start a ham pickle club although I might be the only member....
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I've started leaving a bit of wiggle room at night and filling my nighttime sweet tooth with something healthier that I can have a lot of. Like if I'm craving cookies or ice cream, I will eat a cup of lucky charms. Much much less calories, super sweet and tasty. I just plan those night time urges into my day.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    This is my biggest obstacle for weight loss. I always want to eat, even after a big dinner. Makes me feel like a horrible human being.

    Low-cal snacks, like the 100 calorie bags of popcorn; tea, hot water, or decaf coffee. I even do club soda sometimes, because the bubbles kind of fill you up and almost fool you into thinking you're drinking a cocktail... almost....
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    This happens to me a lot haha. Somebody mentioned it's because there's no more food to look forward to after dinner, pretty sure that's my problem. It's a psychological thing. I usually leave some extra room for this, so my go-tos are: greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey, sugar free jello, 100 calorie bag of kettle corn, cup of flavored tea, or some flavored sparkling water. Lots of other great ideas in here too.
  • SkinnyRach22
    This is my biggest obstacle for weight loss. I always want to eat, even after a big dinner. Makes me feel like a horrible human being.

    Low-cal snacks, like the 100 calorie bags of popcorn; tea, hot water, or decaf coffee. I even do club soda sometimes, because the bubbles kind of fill you up and almost fool you into thinking you're drinking a cocktail... almost....

    I have to stock up on greek yogurt because that seems to be most popular night time snack.

    I read this quote on The Berry DAMO yesterday.

    "Hunger does not = strength
    Fullness does not = failure
    You will be ok"

    This makes me feel better when I feel bad about still wanting to eat.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Good point, skinny! And people have lost weight eating nothing bad fast food calories, as long as they maintain. It's not like you have to eat raw broccoli to satisfy a night craving (b/c I think yogurt is way tastier and protein-tastic), as long as you watch your intake.

    In fact, when I was way more hardcore about cutting calories, I used to have a small dinner and build a late night snack into the program. Knowing what I know about protein, I'd probably be more likely to do a shake, cottage cheese or yogurt if it were before bed.