Do you still eat if you're not hungry?

What do you do?
I am 5'1, 160 lbs. Strength training 4-5 days per week (2 different muscles groups each day) and following up with 20-30 mins of cardio. I have recently increased my protein intake and I'm trying to eat 1g per pound of body weight, but man am I ever struggling. My goal is fat loss and toning. I know I need to keep my metabolism fired up and get lots of protein in, so my question is: do you eat even if you aren't hungry??
Thanks in advance!! Xx


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I do, last weekend after playing one game of basketball and refereeing 7 more, on top of an already busy day I got home just before midnight and had only eaten about 500 calories for the day. I was hungry, but not overly since I was dog tired, I still got through 2000 calories before I headed off to bed, had to go to the standard peanut butter and ice cream to do it, but I didn't mind. Personally I'd rather be over than under.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have days here and there where I don't get what my body needs...but by and large, I eat to support my training, which means I sometimes eat when I'm not really hungry at that particular moment because I know I've just beat the living **** out of my body and it needs nutrients and energy (calories) for repair. Sunday's are the hardest because 3500 - 3600 calories would by my maintenance numbers after my long rides. Usually a massive pasta dish a couple hours after my ride does the trick though.
  • flame_retardant
    flame_retardant Posts: 49 Member
    During the day, I eat when I'm hungry and don't eat if I'm not. When I eat dinner, I take how much I think I'm going to need and then don't take seconds. Am not counting calories, but in the last month, I've lost 1.5 inches off both my waist and hips. Ofcourse, I'm terrified I'm losing muscle mass, but will start strength-training.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You've got your protein calculated wrong. It's supposed to be 1 gram per lb of LEAN BODY MASS, not total weight. That might help.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You've got your protein calculated wrong. It's supposed to be 1 gram per lb of LEAN BODY MASS, not total weight. That might help.

    This, you probably only need 100-120 I wouldn't push to get any more
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    Yes, all the time. I sometimes drink a whey protein drink. I'm trying to get 185g a day of protein.. I'm judging my protein by my goal weight tho.. These MFP percentages don't let me put 170 tho.
  • kristixo
    kristixo Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for all your replies! I appreciate you all taking the time to respond :)
  • wenshel7
    wenshel7 Posts: 19 Member
    Your body was created to let you know when it needs more food. Hunger is a natural indicator that we as American's have learned to ignore based on "health" fads and scientific theories (guesses). Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you are satisfied (not stuffed). I wouldn't cram anything else in, especially when trying to lose weight. :smile:
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I try to because I know how important it is to do this. That said, lately I have not really been doing so well. Last night my daughter told me that I'm beginning to look 'not healthy' which is a really bad thing to say to me because I strive to be healthy and look healthy all the time. Afterwards I looked at my food journal and noticed that I have missed eight meals in the past two weeks and on average my workouts were probably 20% more intense. WTF? How is that even possible for someone who thinks she knows it? this is probably the reason why there are times where I"m starving - such opposites. I am rededicating myself to properly fueling my body.