

  • Hi all, fell off the www for a bit here, too much going on. Down a bit this week. Slow is my only pace these days. Looking for the challenge!
  • Walking is great!!! Although, I just got my X-Box up and running. DDR is a fantastic workout! Thanks,
  • Starting a bit higher than my ending on Friday :grumble: So, June is: Starting 254 Goal 246 ( 8lbs ) Although I'd be happy to break below 250 for my mini goal! Will post measurements after work today! Thanks for continuing!
  • I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I weighed today. Lo and behold, I made and exceeded my goal for May!!! Starting wt: 259.4 Goal wt: 253.4 Curr wt: 251.4 Yippie! Thanks for the challenges, looking forward to June! Keep walking and drinking. I get my XBox today, can't wait until I can do Dance Dance Revolution. I am so…
  • Awesome Challenge, I just went and got additional free weights and am about to go get an X-Box so I can do DDR. I am so excited. Good Luck to all!!
  • Woo hoo, end of week 3, down to 255 from 256.2. I can't hardly believe that since its that time. So, I am all frumpy and down a bit! So, I am not complaining. Looking forward to week 4 - the final leg. Keep crunchin.
  • I sat and watched a movie last night and got down on my mat during it. It felt good to just do a few here and there with breaks. Not doing anything while watching anyway's eh? Then I did a 1/2 hour on the treadmill and a couple sets on the weight bench. I finished with a high intensity 5 minute aerobic quickburn. After all…
  • Down to 256.2 at this mornings weigh in. :) At least it is going in the proper direction.
  • I use the drink mixes from our good friend Uncle Sam at Walmart. They are calorie free, the peach tea has just potassium in it and the fruit punch or grape has only like 10mg of sodium. Not much if you ask me, and it definately livens up the plain ole H2O. I use one pack for a 20 oz vs the suggested 16.9 oz. It seems to…
  • I was unable to weigh in as I am in Michigan this week with no scale :( I feel better and my clothing seems looser, so we'll see what the scale says next Friday. We Can Do It!
  • I am happy that Cardio was the challenge this week. I have walked more this week than the last month combined, I think. Sunday was just under 6 miles, Monday and Tuesday were just under 4 miles and today was a whopping 8.6 miles! Gotta love conferences. Oh ya, and just got back from Universal Studios, boy is that a huge…
  • I am definately going to need to work hard on eating right this week. I am at a conference in Orlando, and walked over 6 miles. This is a harsh change from less than .5 at the office. The conference center is just HUGE. So, needless to say, I have blisters and my calorie count is way off because I just didn't feel like…
  • group fitness event
  • Start Weight: 259.4 Goal Weight: 253.4 I am on travel for the first couple weeks, so hope I can stick to my plan!
  • it was humorous.
  • Hi Ladies (and gents if any), Just wondering when you guys are accepting new members? New here on Monday and well, purple is my color of choice. Give me the dotted line to sign on! Thanks, Becka
  • Let's Do This!
  • It is what I am left with after cutting out all the garbage I used to eat. I have recently switched jobs which cut down on a ton of stress and stress eating. I also used to eat golden arches chicken every day for lunch (but cut out), which cut out 400 cal. My doctor did not suggest anything except lose weight (due to BP…
  • Hi all, I am new to this forum (just today actually) turned to it by a colleague of mine. My question is that I have intake of less than 1200 calories before I take out calories for exercise. However, I am usually never hungry. Everywhere I look I see that I should have a calorie intake of 1800 - 2400. That is just too…
  • Hi Lorro, I am new also, with about 100 left to go as well. I have been on my own for about 8 weeks now. I have been inconsistent with online blogging as I work in IT and stare at a computer all day long. So I just can't do it at home too. So, I am going to do it at work and hopefully the lbs will fall off with support.…