randyv99 Member


  • My thoughts on the 24 pack of Coke Zero in my refrigerator right now are: "that was a good deal." In general, I don't really care one way or the other. It depends on what I'm prioritizing. If my teeth are my obsession of the month, I stay away from carbonated and acidic sodas and juices. If I've been getting heartburn, I…
  • It's been a while, but after much delay, here's my unsolicited and largely irrelevant two cents: The author of the article has a valid point about frivolous reporting that is no less true for Facebook than it is for 911 Emergency Response System (although I'm not clear whether the author's views of the purpose for the…
  • I love these debates. Everything will kill you in excess (including water). Very few things will kill you in moderation. It is more dangerous to live and breathe in an urban area for a lifetime than it is to consume warfarin (rat poison aka anti-clotting factor used therapeutically) occasionally. Eat what you like and be…
  • I occasionally monitor the length of my member as I gain and/or lose weight.
  • Your profile pic is freaking me out! Welcome and all that jazz.
  • I also would prefer not getting out of bed today. But I know I'll eventually have to use the bathroom so I might as well get my day started.
  • You look beautiful throughout. However, the key thing here that I think really needs to be congratulated is that you held onto a pair of jeans that don't fit for 8 YEARS!! Go on with your bad self beautiful!
  • MFP is certainly biased towards/against some nutrients. There's too much of everything from water to drugs but you'll usually know when you're getting near.
  • Sound advice. I actually had a post about weighing yourself less frequently. I, of course, do not practice what I preach and have the scale right in front of my bedroom door so that I must stand on iit at least 3 times per day. I do this not because I think that small changes throughout the day actually hold any meaning…
  • Unless there's a definitive difference in the caloric or nutritonal intake of the foods, I generally just use whatever is already handy. Especially if I"m logging on the go. Of course this requires me comparing every different flavor or food I eat to the one that I ate before to make sure that the nutritonal content is the…
  • This has been an amazing thread. It really brought tears to my eyes.
  • Did I say that I enjoy you very much? Because I do.
  • I more or less do this as well. My scale is actually right outside of my bedroom door so that I have to walk around it. I started with 1 official weigh-in a week then to 2x a month but I think I'm going to go back to weekly.
  • That's what she said?
  • You look a little chubby. :-P Your FB friends attacked me last time I made that joke sans smilie. But seriously you've had amazing progress. I might hang your pics up on my wall just to stay focused. Also, why are you never on FB chat anymore?
  • This almost sounds like something I said to you....or probably still would say.
  • I'm a bit of a multitasker so the internet is vastly superior since I was using the app on the Iphone 3g. Now the internet is my only choice since I switched to WP7.
  • So I'll look into this hybrid thing-a-ma jig to start the year. I'll probably postpone the C25K until the weather gets warmer since I'm not a fan of treadmill or indoor track running and don't want to break my leg on black ice. So I'll finish up my cardio kickstart on EA Active 2 and do the 9-week on my cardio days while…
  • This time I pretty much said screw it to everybody else and let them know how I'd be doing things for me. So now folks don't offer me junk as often (some even cook healthier things, which is something I really appreciate my friends and fam for), offer to do workouts with me and more or less don't keep asking me questions…
  • I have had it for about a month or so and I have a love/hate relationship with it. Love it because it keeps me active and hate it because it keeps me sore. I have noticed that a lot of the workouts focus on legs and glutes (or maybe that's just harder for me since my upper body is stronger). Either way it's lots of fun…
  • Who told you that you're allowed to post motivational threads? You whose been eating 3 crackers and a piece of ice four the last 4 days? Just kidding buddy :-P.
  • I've done this before and I really enjoyed how it made me feel. I think I'd like to try again but not quite yet. I'll just follow you guys' progress for now. My aunt is coming up from the Caribbean and I refuse to fast when I'm getting some genuine food made special for me. So I'll start after she leaves for the New Year.…
  • Nope don't have that problem quite yet. I'm still well insulated. Will let you know in February or maybe next Decemeber.
  • @BoresEasily EA Sports Active 2 workout #2 of the day...shortly after eating too much Thai food. Good work out but terrible scheduling.
  • You can do it on pretty much any device including iPhone, iPod touch, Android and Windows Phone 7
  • White chocolate girl! Use your imagination and that's exactly what I meant but you already know me.
  • I am all for a diet day off while keeping in mind that what I'm doing is not a diet. When I strictly managed my diet and gave myself one day off I would DEFINITELY overdo, sometimes going 3500 calories over my goal. I've since adjusted to a looser diet management plan with no diet day off (or discretionary days as I call…
  • This post is great because of the use of the word: douchmello, people try to pick folks up with odd backhanded compliments and people getting shut down at the gym. Thanks for a good read. Really love douchmello. Tell your friend I said thanks! And he was definitely trying to pick you up. Chocolate covered raisins really…
  • I have that damn game on Wii and PS3 and it's friggin' ridiculous. Things I like: gets me sweating more than I thought was possible on indoor video game workout type things. Keeps your heart rate and thus accurate calories burned. Things that could be better: It gets a little too workout-y at times and slightly less fun.…