

  • Yeah, 1 stone = 14lbs so I'd say you've lost 5lbs. Can you change what your scales measures in and compare what it says compared to stones? 13 stone 2lbs should be 184 lbs and 83.461 kg
  • Exactly this is part of the reason why my anxiety got so bad and I now refuse to work out outside of my own flat - even though I'm now a lot smaller than what I was; just don't feel up to facing that again. First example that comes to mind when I was around 180. I'd gone to the health centre. Done a 1 hour swim and then an…
  • My "Oh crap, I'm fat!" photo I only have a copy of as part of my progression pics... so - Link to bigger/clearer image - That's about a 90lb loss from my "oh crap, I'm fat!" moment =) Lily x
  • There could be any number of really good reasons why someone would not share pictures of themselves, though. I totally understand the wariness, though, that is partly why I won't send FR's to people I don't already know outside of the site as I know I don't have a personal pic.. But hey, I drew it myself so that counts as…
  • Why go vegan? ( Morals? Weight loss?) Morals - I've been veggie. for 10+ years and vegan on and off in that time and have a great hatred for the industry and just generally the thought of putting someone from another animal in my mouth. Food allergies/intolerances - I'm allergic/intolerant to red meat, a lot of seafood and…
  • Awesome, thank you! Just requested to join =) x
    in June 10 Comment by LilyGrey June 2013
  • I just liked the page... is there a group as well? =)
    in June 10 Comment by LilyGrey June 2013
  • I am running just a little late, clearly (I have been really ill.)! But working on catching up on the workouts I have missed! Doing June 1st workouts today and planning on doing at least 2 extra workouts each day until I am caught up! But took some progress pictures on the 5th June, which I do not really feel comfortable…
    in June 1 Comment by LilyGrey June 2013
  • Although I do enjoy water, sometimes I really do just want cordial and recently I tend to drink that more than water. I say go for it; you are getting your water intake and the sugar and calories are negligible enough to be worth it. It is much better that you get your water with a few extra calories than not get it at all!
  • Low cal, low carb, vegan and some high protein doughnuts =)
  • Love it =D
    in You Fat! Comment by LilyGrey May 2013
  • I am currently out of work (due to mostly non-physical disabilities - excluding fibromyalgia) so I actually work out throughout the day, doing short, highly intense workouts (when I am not too ill to do anything). I also have horrible insomnia so I often find myself at least on the stationary bike or doing Pilates or Yoga…
  • If an average Joe tries to get with me, I'll turn him down straight away. If an average Jane tries to get with me, I'll get to know her and go from there. FYI, not every lady is attracted to men...
  • This sounds awesome, I'm in!
  • A new born calf in total! To date I've gone from 218 lbs to 127.2 lbs =)
  • I think it'll really help. It might not be a great calorie burn, but it has lots of other benefits. As for doing yoga with an injured knee and low flexibility, it's perfect. Just do what you're capable of doing and don't move on to higher level moves if your body isn't ready for them. My knees have already got stronger and…
  • I personally avoid eating a lot of carbs because they make me feel so ill afterwards. This isn't just after I eat fatty things such as chips (fries to you Americans etc.!) but also after eating things like baked potatoes, wholegrain rice, etc. Even sweet potatoes leave me feeling clogged up, bloated and extremely ill. Low…