

  • Poesch77 took the words right out of my mouth. I have 3 kids and a demanding career. I workout 6 days a week because I MAKE MYSELF DO IT and believe me there are days I'm like, "why?" The answer is, it makes me feel great afterwards and helps me sleep well. Get up at 5:30 for now and soon your kids will be old enough to…
  • Try Body Pump...it's 50 minutes of choreographed weight lifting to music. Works all of the muscle groups. I take it at 24-Hour Fitness and love it. I also do spin class (3 times per week...kicks my butt!!) and run once a week. Gotta change it up once in a while. Keep up the great work!!!
  • 15 miles???!!! Is this your first??? Way to go dorseykm!!! I KNOW how tough it is. 3 days later and I'm still sore BUT I worked out Monday and Tuesday (taking tonight off). Never thought I lose 10 lbs this (quickly). I'm down to 142 and now I want MORE!!! Letme know how your run goes. Are you in California??
  • Way to go girl...bikinis require confidence and if your back is any indication of the front, I bet you look great in it!!
  • Lightly salted rice cake with peanut butter. Simple (make it at my desk at work) and keeps me full until lunch; only 260 calories.
  • Just turned 49...feel 29. I'm a mother of 3 (one in college, one in middle school and one in elementary school). I have a great career that allows me to travel. I'm a long distance runner and getting ready to run my 8th half marathon in May 2012. I also love spin class and body pump. Last year was pretty stressful and I…
  • I wasn't doing it right...got it now! @Laura, definitely an 8. Pretty Mona Lisa smile.
  • Love a man in uniform (except aren't I above you? Hopefully I'm doing this right): 8