Kylabgeek Member


  • Yay! Now is the time :-). Hope everyone had a good day! Day 1 down and looking forward to tomorrow! I hope everyone had a great workout today and ate something yummy and good for you. One thing I know for me, when I exercise early I eat better that day. I thinks it's the mindset of "I'm not going to undo my hard work this…
  • Good evening ladies! I hope you all had a good day! Day 1 was completed this morning :-). I had to modify some but not as much as the last time I began this video. How was everyone else's workout today?
  • Have you taken pictures? Can you tell a difference in your shape? Way to keep with it!
  • Awesome guys! I am excited. I will be doing the video in the mornings mostly since my schedule is crazy with a full time job and 5 kids. Now, let's just hope I am this pumped tomorrow night when I can't move lol.
  • I am still a quite a bit away from any after photos yet since I just started being able to exercise in April, but, I wanted to let you all know that your progress is amazing. Definite inspiration to keep on keeping on!
  • Wow, great job. It's amazing not only in the overall shape difference, but your face, and your smile. You can see you just glow and that you are proud of your accomplishments.
  • That is a great idea! I will scour the selections and the seasonings and create something! Thanks for tip! I appreciate it. I already logged my workout today and had a good protein and veggie filled breakfast so I am not famished when I go to lunch.
  • At this rate at the end of May we will need a new thread for all the weigh ins! So glad to see so many people motivated. We rock!
  • Day 6 of 30 complete. I got a head start the end of April! Progressed onto level 2 today. Not as bad as what I anticipated. Going to get up early and hit it again in the morning. Have to be at the ball field by 8:15 for a 9am game so I will do the video, get ready, then while my son warms up with dad and the team I will…
  • Yay! I was able to do my video today! Ran a mile yesterday with no additional knee swelling or pain, so I gave the video a try today. I did level 2 and while it was hard, it wasn't any harder than my first day of level 1. It will be interesting to see if I am sore tomorrow. Great job everyone! 6/30 complete!:happy:
  • I had a great shopping trip today that showed I was a size smaller and was able to run a mile without stopping today so definitely incentives to have fun and be smart. I need to worry about enjoying the company not worry about the food. Plus I got in another walk this evening and will get in a good workout in the morning.…
  • Great Job :-) Glad you posted and shared with us:wink:
  • That is so awesome. I can't wait to see my measurements at the end of the month. I know we are so trained to look at that number on the scale. Congrats to you on your obvious hard work. Keep it up!
    in First NSV Comment by Kylabgeek May 2012
  • I am going to do some. I do some upper body every other day with my sons, but nothing major so I am keeping up with that more for the time spent with them. Still walking the baby, I mean boxer :-) And even on my days off from the video with my knee I did some walking or weights each day. I don't want to be completely idle.
  • I am so jealous! I think I am going to try level 1 again tomorrow without the jumping jacks, subbing in another cardio interval. Took a 25 minute power walk to and the knee is no worse for wear and back of knee is not hurting. I have to try. I really have missed it and I did 5 days lol! Great job to you all. I can't wait…
  • You look great! And I love that color on you :-)
  • Thanks for the tip. I will be double aware of form just in case. Might have a kiddo watch me to make sure I am not doing that. And my trainer friend told me of a few stretches to add before hand saying it never hurts to add a few stretches to what you are already doing.
  • Doesn't sound gross at all lol. I am a lab scientist by trade so not much grosses me out! Thanks for the tip. And I have been trying to rest as I can. 5 kids doesn't let me do that much. !
  • Not right now. I have to be careful due to seizures and the hubby doesn't feel comfortable me going to a gym alone right now. I had a seizure in the bath once and also blacked out once in the tub and went under so we are both skittish. I was doing the 30ds so I can be at home if I need to stop. Walking is pretty much all I…
  • Thanks Jen. It does feel better today. No pain behind my knee today and just a bit of swelling. Limited myself to an hour walk with the dog today. I think Mike suggested weak knee because due to illness and seizures I was sedentary from October to February not being able to even be alone for any length of time and stuck on…
  • I am on Day 5 but will be like starting over since I have had to take a few days off and having to take off tomorrow due to some fluid or swelling on knee. No pain today, just a bit of swelling so on Wed I am going again, but subbing jump rope move or glute kicks for jumping jacks and see how that does! But I will be here…
  • But, I have to add, I am not weighing till the end of May because I am working on 30ds too and going to focus on measurements and due to knee fluid it will take me till the end of May to get through my 30ds (5 days down). But, I know my start weight so hoping for 8lbs plus lots of inches!
  • Me!!!! Me!!!! Me!!!! (Picturing myself as the kindergarten kid with raised hand when they know the answer lol!):tongue:
  • Great Job! Keep up the fantabulous work!!
  • That is awesome! I finished day 5 today. I am hurting behind my right knee so I am going to take tomorrow off and just walk my boxer as my cardio. I noticed today though it was a bit easier. At least I say I am not going to do the workout tomorrow lol. I bet I end up doing it. Great job! Keep posting and keep us updated as…
  • That is truly awesome and inspiring. Thank you for sharing your NSV with us!
  • That is awesome! And I know the feeling. I had my daughter take pics of me on day 1 and I will take more after day 30 and will post too. Thank you for posting! I check this board each day as it gives me incentive to stick with the video. I finished day 5 of 30ds today.
  • Great Job! And congrats on the upcoming addition to your family!
  • I just read this post for the first time and I am in awe of you. You are simply a real woman. Going through what so many of us have been through. Keep up the amazing work and you are absolutely beautiful. Your post and eloquent words show that you are not only gorgeous on the outside but also inside. You are setting such a…