cherub159 Member


  • Thanks guys, these are great ideas - now just to implement them! I think portion size is my key issue because I generally eat very well, I just eat too much of it :)
  • Right, haven't been on MFP for a while. I need to get back into it as Winter and Uni are going to creep up on me! CW: 66.1 KG Eventual GW: 55kg April GW: 62.5 How will I do this: 1. Better portion control 2. Stop eating when full 3. Snack only when actually HUNGRY - then on healthy choices 4. Avoid late night binges…
  • All I can suggest is going to your local bike shop and getting yourself properly set up. Its so worth it and is better for your knees, hips back... everything really. An improved posture will also improve your power. I'm not sure about the calorie thing, but al long as you're trying you best in the efforts there is not…
  • Thank you, these are really helpful suggestions. I'm off to bed now in NZ, but will check back in tomorrow :)
  • Ah... Push ups... Can't do those either. Not real ones anyway, only the woman's knee ones. I was trying to move a cabinet the other day with my mum and was in so much pain because it was "so heavy" but she found it just find. I'm just pathetically weak in the arms. Legs however are very strong. Edit to add: Yes on…