

  • Sad. I just bought my first artic zero pint over the weekend. Fortunately, I only took a taste and didin't eat the entire thing. Yup, too good to be true. I'll probably buy skinny cow's truffle cookies n' cream now. lol
  • I am working with a trainer/coach right now. I have been for 2 months and have 12 weeks until competition. I think I'll stick with her up until comp and maybe even after. I wasn't really prepared for the investment, but I feel it's needed. I work full-time and I feel I need help with the accountability and questions along…
  • I'm training for my 1st ever fitness comp (bikini). :o)
  • BTW - Never skip breakfast!!! It is vital for a healthy metabolism. Eat within an hour of waking, or immediately after a morning cardio session. If you're crunched for time, blend protein powder with fruit, spinach and plain nonfat greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Add a nut butter for some healthy fats to help you to burn…
  • Oats are a staple as you can eat them so many ways, with so many added yummies like fruit, nut butter and even protein powder. If you decide on oats, make sure to have protein or healthy fats as well, in order to help you to stay full feeling. Egg whites are also great! Add avocado for a healthy fat and as many green…
  • My trainer/coach has indicated it is best to "diet out", meaning gently get back into a regular diet. Regular diet does not equal cheeseburgers and pizza. lol
  • I appreciate your input. I've learned that my high carb days, with a lot of complex carbs, are really rough days for me. Quite some time ago, I learned that I feel much more satisfied and not as hungry when I eat a higher protein diet, with lots of veggies. When starting my nutrition plan, my trainer/coach indicated I…
    in Carb Cycling Comment by endjl July 2012
  • I am currently training for my 1st...
  • I love Nicole Wilkins, Jamie Eason and Miryah Scott!
  • I am saddened that so many women in BB end up with BA. I am currently training for my first competition (in bikini) and have no intention of getting BA. I love my body and am working hard to make it the best it can be on a very natural level. I often wonder if not having BA will hurt my chances of doing well in my…
  • I think you'll really love this app! It is a fantastic tool to have right on your phone and the additional support from everyone is great! My biggest suggest to you is to surround yourself with positive people and keep reminders of your goals around all of the time. I created a motivational board with quotes and photos of…
  • To answer the question above, "What is Ideal"? Ideal is a brand name for xylitol, which is also a natural sweetener. I actually prefer it over stevia as I feel it tastes more like sugar. It is a fantastic sugar substitute and I use in place of sugar for just about everything. Google it and you'll be able to find out where…
  • I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a sugar free flavored syrup. After you start looking for these syrups, you'll find them everywhere. There are several flavors at my local grocery store, plus I have seen them at Target and Sam's Club. Some of my faves are vanilla, hazelnut, caramel and even Kahlua. YES! Kahlua…
  • Burpees. I HATE BURPEES!
  • -4 scrambles egg whites with salsa or cholula with a tiny bit of no fructose corn syrup ketchup. (Sometimes I have 1 oz avocado mixed in) -1/4 cup quick oats with brown sugar xylitol and bluberries. or In the majic bullet: -1/4 c quick oats -1/2 banana -vanilla protein powder -1 tbsp natural almond or peanut butter -Ice…
  • Foods to Eat: Quick Oats Sweet Potatoes Egg Whites Green Veggies Natural Nut Butters (no added sugar or sodium) Almonds Greek Yogurt Low Fat Cottage Cheese Avocado Chicken Breast Turkey Breast White Fish Very Lean Red Meat (limit) Black Beans (If canned, avoid added sodium) Salsas Ezekial Bread Eat balanced Meals -…
  • unsweetened vanilla almond milk & sugar free vanilla syrup
  • But I drink green tea all day long. Green tea naturally helps to burn fat.
  • I never seem to drink enough water...
  • I LOVE the idea of rewarding yourself with a massage! (I may even steal that idea). LOVE IT! Keep up your hard work. You won't see a change on the scale everyday but you'll see changes. In fact, you might not ever see them on the scale but you'll see them in your clothes, energy level, etc. You've got this! Let me know…
  • I tend to over think it as well, but if I plan things out, I'm better. Oh, and being busy always helps! Try to be creative in what you're eating and it also helps the boredom! I look up new recipes all of the time; trying at least one new recipe a week. On Sundays I cook my little heart out and plan my entire week's menu.…
  • Boiled chicken; Sounds delicious. lol Pick up some ground chicken breast and try this recipe from fitness model Jamie Eason: Jamie's Monster Meatloaf Recipe Nutrition Facts: Makes 24 servings Single serving = 83 calories, .7 g fat, 3 g carbs, 15 g protein Ingredients: 1 12-oz package chopped onions and peppers, thawed (or…
  • Keep it up! When people notice it means your hard work and dedication is showing. Let it shine!!!
  • YES! Chocolate! Thanks :) Do you happen to know how much protein, carbs and fat?
  • Ooops; I said oatmeal too! You can definitely have a protein smoothy without the oatmeal! You can play around with them as well. Change up the fruit and protein powders. Eggs and lots of veggies are always a great breakfast as well!
  • I make sure to have protein and carbs every morning within 30 minutes of waking. Here are some of my faves: Quick oats w/ blueberries, milled flax seed and almond butter (no sugar or salt added) Protein Smoothy - Protein powder, 1/4 c quick oats, half a banana, ice and unsweetened vanilla almond milk Breakfast Tacos - Egg…
  • I make sue to have some sort of lean protein in every meal and snack. Egg Whites Protein Powder (MRM all natural) Lean Chicken Breast Lean Ground Chicken Breast (google Jamie Eason's turkey/chicken muffins) Lean Ground Turkey Tilapia Greek Yogurt (plain with fruit and xylitol sweetener added)