bittybooh Member


  • Good morning, I am day 2 into whole 30. My sister in law has done this and was an inspiration for me to try. So far so good! Milk in my coffee was my worry but I am using coconut cream and I find that it isn't much different. Feel free to add me.
  • I started at 245 pounds and a size 18-20 in pants and an XL in shirts. I now wear a size 10 jeans and med shirts. I just bought a pair of skinny shorts for the first time ever!! :blushing:
  • I would also recommend reading the book. I did not opt to have the coaching as I didn't feel the need to pay after buying the book(all the info you need is in the book). I have had great success with Dukan and would say to go for it, unless you have any medical issues that may need a doctor's ok. Good luck!!
  • It's funny you should say that about looking forward to eating veggies! I too, felt that same way. I had also comtemplated staying on the attack phase a little longer than I was told, but chose not to because I was missing my veggies!!! Stick with it, it is SOO easy. I am on a plateau right now....but this has happened…
  • Sorry, just seeing this today... Yes, absolutely I am having success. I am in the cruise phase, and have 21 pounds left to lose. I started needing to lose 76 pounds. I started in July of 2011, and it has been a steady rate of loss with the exception of a plateau of almost a month, but since then I have lost an additional…
  • Hey everyone, My name is Christine, I have been on Dukan since July 2011. I have absolutely loved this plan. I have not had many issues with sticking with the plan. My biggest motivator is how much I have lost.....I went through a plateau and worked harder, increasing my walk times like he says in his book. I am losing…
  • stick with it rbfitness, it really does work. There is a lot of support here, take advantage of it! Good luck, can't wait to hear how you are doing! :happy:
  • Do you have the book? I would truly recommend reading the book, or reading his plan online. Good luck to you! These forums are great for support, and great recipe ideas!
  • Yipee!! So happy for you Jane! Keep it up :love:
  • Great job with holding back ladies! I have been telling myself that I have come so far, do I really want to set myself back for that 'one little taste'?? The weather here today is beautiful, I was able to get outside for a REALLY muddy walk, but it was well worth it. The dog even got a bath out of it! :tongue: Have a great…
  • I have not had any problems with exercising while on Dukan. It isnt that you are not eating any are, but not the processed starchy kinds. With this diet, you are eating healthy carbs with your nonfat yogurts, nonfat cottage cheeses and certain vegetables. What you cannot have is pasta, breads, potatoes, or…
  • It is funny that you say that! People ALWAYS tell me that I can't and don't need to lose 'all that weight' (my goal is to lose 75-80 pounds) I am 5'8'', and weighed 245 when I started. When I asked these same people how much they thought I weighed, they would always answer within 10 pounds of my goal weight of 165-170. I…
  • request made! I am also a ICU RN, can't wait to get to know you! :happy:
  • I am game, my only before picture is of me with a tankini....and not a full picture(I used to hide behind someone!) I will do this! Great idea!! :happy:
  • I also follow the Dukan diet, and have had very good results. I have rarely felt hungry and always have energy, I recommend it!!
  • Hi there, I just found this group, and I would love to get to know you all! I have been following Dukan since July, 2011. I have lost 55 pounds so far, and have 20 to go. I love this program, it really, really works!! Can't wait to connect with you all. Christine
  • I finally picked up a copy of the dvd rather than using a youtube video! I am going to do this right after I post this as well as some wii fit exercises. I am running on my off days too. Have a great rest of the week everybody! :)
  • I did the same thing last pants can come off now without even undoing the zipper/button! Great job!! Keep it up! :wink: Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • These are great photos! I will try to post mine...not sure how to do it tho. Don't have a whole lot of pictures of me, I am typically the one taking the pictures. :smile:
  • So, I would love to start this, but I have a silly question that I can probably solve by looking online. Does each level have just one routine that we do until we get to the next level? Thanks in advance for answering! Christine. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I am in, this sounds like a great idea! I actually found the videos on youtube, so I think that I will be using that for now. I am starting a little late tho, better late than never right? :)