5goldrings Member


  • I eat 500g low fat or fat free greek natural yogurt every day (in one sitting), no problem. My sister ( a nutritionist) tells me its too much dairy but I dont seem to have any ill effects, I just love it!
  • What confuses me; my TDEE is 2094, BMI 1351. I tend to exercise on average 5 days per week burning between 500 (gym/swim session) to 2000 (cycling) calories. I usually try to stay around 1400 calories NET, occasionally when Im feeling tired/hungry and need to rest/refuel I will eat around 2000 calories, the next day feel…
  • http://www.amazon.co.uk/Triathlon-Made-Easy-McDonald-Buckingham/dp/1843404338 A very inspiring and accessible book for beginners. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Your-First-Triathlon-2nd-Ed/dp/1934030864 bit more technical but very useful training guides. Good luck!
  • Make your own is the best/cheapest option. Otherwise Meridian is 100% peanuts and reasonable. I think Myprotein also do their own in large jars :-) http://www.myprotein.com/uk/products/peanut-butter?affil=mpppc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CNzxl--L9LMCFSTLtAodR24ATg
  • "Go Faster Food" this book is great :-) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Go-Faster-Food-energy-boosting-cyclists/dp/0091929326