TDEE/log exercise or not/eat back or not? BEST RESULTS

Ok so I came across this AMAZING POST ON HERE FROM SOMEONE THAT DEACTIVATED THEIR MFP...( I will paste it at the end of this post)

I have been on MFP for over a year and while I have been happy with my results, they have been somewhat slower than I would like..(I do understand this is bc I have certain vices that I am not giving up(WINE)! and a very active social life with my husband and 2 children(3.5yrs and 1.5yrs)...I dont always eat clean but I would say for the most part I get my workouts in. It is my personal decision to live my life this way so I am not unbearable to live with bc I would be one moody, angry person)...had to get that out there so yall would know that I am not posting for a lecture on why my weight loss has been slower than I want...on that same note I KNOW that the lbs behind me are staying behind me!!!!! ;)

my question after reading the post below is which TDEE I need to use and to eat or not eat exercise calories back...PLEASE read the post before answering the later part of my question! ;)

I am 32yr old female 5'5" 157lbs
*desk job would put me at 1784(so I need a 20% less deficit) 1427.2
- if i use this one do I then log my exercise and eat or not eat these calories back
*I have no problem eating 1400 calories a day and staying under that if needed bc I have been going by 1200

*exercise 3-5 times a week puts me at 2305(so I need a 20% less deficit) 1844
SO I would not log my workouts and eat this amount?

*there was an extra post that isnt included below where he did say do not go below your BMR
my BMR is 1487
*that being said I would take that into account as well...

I AM ON WEEK 6 of JILLIAN MICHAELS BODY REVOLUTION...I HAVE NOT SEEN A LOT OF WEIGHT LOSS ON THE SCALE BUT I CAN TELL A DIFFERENCE IN THE TONING OF MY BODY AND THAT I WILL TRADE ANY DAY FOR SCALE VERIFICATION! *its the lower belly fat that has an obsession with me and doesnt want to go away that has me researching... ;)

This post is designed to level the obstacles between you and weight loss. The obstacles are confusing data, unnecessary details, etc. Folks with excess body fat can easily lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. No fad diets, obscure research, or sales pitches; just practical, proven advice.


Important Background Information
Fat is energy, and calories measure energy. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat, so if you burn 3500 more calories than you eat, you will lose a pound of fat. That can't be done in a day, so we do it over time.

For instance, if you eat 500 fewer calories than you burn each day, you have a calorie deficit of 3500 at the end of a week (500 calories x 7 days = 3,500 calorie deficit).

How Much Do I Burn in a Day?
Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is the number of calories you burn in a day - by circulating blood, brushing your teeth, looking at funny cat gifs, working out, etc. If you eat less than you burn, you lose weight.

Calculate your TDEE here: Just enter your height, weight, age, gender and daily activity level. This will give you a good approximation of how much you burn in an average day.

How Much Less Should I Eat?
Like weight gain, weight loss doesn't happen fast. If your deficit is too small, you will lose weight slowly. But! Surprisingly, if your deficit is too large, you also lose weight slowly.

This may seem illogical, but if you under-eat by much for too long, you'll be more prone to binge-eating and more likely to experience health issues related to malnutrition. Believe it or not, under-eating is the most common problem on MFP.[1]

So what is the right deficit? A good calorie deficit is around 20% less than your TDEE depending on how much fat you have to lose. If you've got over 75 pounds to lose, go as high as 30% deficit. If you've got less than 15lbs to lose, go down around 10%.

1. Go find your TDEE here:
2. Eat about 20% less than that number each day. Bigger deficit if you have more pounds to lose. Lower deficit if you have less pounds to lose.
3. Log everything you eat accurately - measure it with a scale (they're cheap!). Research has shown that most people eat more than they think.

You're lightly active, 26 year old, 190lb, 5'6" female. Your TDEE from the calculator is 2,300 calories per day.

According to the Leveling Obstacles approach, you would eat 20% less than 2300 (2300 x .80), or 1,830 calories per day. Stay relatively consistent in your logging and activity level, and you will lose approximately one pound a week.

Final Thoughts:
+ MyFitnessPal is great for tracking calories, but it is not great for setting targets. Regardless of how much or little you have to lose, it will let you say "lose 2lbs/week!" and drop you down to 1200 cals. That value is most likely not right for you.
+ Patience, you must have it. Give this time. Like a month at least.
+ Your weight can change several pounds from one day to the next. Two pounds in a day is water weight. Don’t weigh in daily, you’ll drive yourself nuts.
+ Food isn't evil. Clowns and authors of young adult fiction are evil. But not food! Eat healthy and indulge in treats as long as it’s within a few % of your calorie goal.
+ Try to hit your calorie goal. Going way under every day will not help you. 100 cals over or under on a given day is not going to hurt you. Take it easy, don’t sweat it.
+ Right now, don't focus on details like macronutrients (carbs, fat, and protein) or how much sodium and sugar is in your diet. First step is accurately measuring and tracking your food and hitting your calorie targets. When you are comfortable, there is an awesome thread about how to set optimal calorie and macro targets [2]
+ Cardiovascular exercise (running, stairs, aerobics, cat juggling) can help burn fat. Resistance training (lifting weights) will improve your physique and increase your body's resting metabolic rate (calorie burn).

I didn't create this information. This information existed before I learned it. I learned it from others here. Literally and figuratively this was written by other people. I'm just posting it. I didn't do this by myself, it is the compilation of direct collaboration and observation of ihad, davpul, angelamberl, loraf83, winnervictorious, codergal, zoelifts, serpwidgets, allonsytothetardis, cmriverside, sjohnny, jofjltncb6, lacurandera1 and others. It is also the product of indirect collaboration - i.e. learning by observation - from sidesteel, acg67, among hundreds of others on the site as well as groups like Eat Train Progress[3] and threads like IPOARM[4] which can take you to the next level when you're ready.

[1] A few examples of under-eating being problematic can be seen at this thread:
[2] This is a great thread about how to configure your macros. Once you’ve mastered measuring, tracking, and have a reasonable top-level goal, go here.
Edited by BurtHuttz On April 18, 2013 9:42 am


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I believe that with this model you would include your exercise and take your cut from that number. If you do not exercise or are not consistent then using the sedentary TDEE I believe you would eat back your exercise calories or a portion.

    My number using MFP is 2700 for daily burned calories. To lose 1 lb a week I'm set to eat 2200 + any exercise outside of my day job as a salesperson/cashier.

    Using light exercise on fitnessfrog 1-3 hours exercise a week I get 2781 for TDEE and I'd cut from there. It's pretty similar if you use MFP as it's supposed to be used and consume at least a portion of your work out calories.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Use the TDEE method that includes exercise already IF
    --you stay regular with your exercise. If you often skip working out or something, obviously you shouldn't use this method.
    --you would like to consume about the same amount of calories every day (makes planning meals and such a LOT easier)

    Use the TDEE method that does not include exercise IF
    -- you do not always work out like you should
    -- you need the extra motivation to work out (I can't have the extra calories unless I get my work out in!)

    That's how I would do it anyway... :smile:
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    My exercise routine is only 91-200 calories burning (I know it's not much), so if I want to, I eat it back, if I don't, I don't. Even according to the TDEE, I should be just under 1300 cals a day. That you posted guide is really good IMO, but I personally track the other things "macronutrients", as soon as I started this (mainly in the protein part though) I started feeling SOOOO much better. Protein does WONDERS!

    In 5 weeks, I have lost 8lbs. 3lbs alone in the past week. I walked 2 days for 40mins, 3 days for 20mins, and then did about 10-20mins 2x last week with dumb bells to begin strengthening my arms, legs, and core. Lately, I have felt a little more hungrier, and I listen to my body more than text on a website, because my body knows better :)

    Oh yeah, and I haven't had any "junk food" this past week. Haven't craved it. I have been wanting a cookie, because I feel like I have deserved it though... but I am not DR00LING for one :)
  • scrapmum4
    scrapmum4 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow thanks for this info. I have only been really focusing of weight loss for about a week so far and have been so confused with what numbers I should be using. Thank you for putting it in a way that I can understand. All I have to do now is just remember its going to take a while not overnight.
  • 5goldrings
    5goldrings Posts: 5 Member
    What confuses me; my TDEE is 2094, BMI 1351. I tend to exercise on average 5 days per week burning between 500 (gym/swim session) to 2000 (cycling) calories. I usually try to stay around 1400 calories NET, occasionally when Im feeling tired/hungry and need to rest/refuel I will eat around 2000 calories, the next day feel full/boated/bad (yes and jump on scales + 2lb)....... then to add insult to injury MFP does that thing...."in 5 weeks you would weight X" ie gain weight !!! Should I ignore this, I assume that if Im under my TDEE then I shouldnt gain. I havent lost or gained weight over the last 6 months, 5'4" around 140lb, Id like to get back to126lb but finding it difficult to strike a balance between calorie deficit and fueling activities
  • bigbeff
    bigbeff Posts: 83 Member
    Thanks :) so from what I gather, my TDEE is 1941 so I should aim to eat 1550 and not eat back exercise because these were included in the TDEE calculation (1-3 times a week)?