

  • Trust me, I would love to swim, but I am from a TINY town that doesn't have a pool at my disposal. So you will have to do a few laps for me! lol But thank you for the advice. A multi vitamin might be the answer!!!! WHy didn't I ever think of that???!!!!!
  • I have two get togethers planned, am I am bringing something "healthy" to pass to both of them. I'm a huge fan of hard boiled eggs, so doubling up on my protein instead of all the Easter candy! Eat whats on my plate and not take seconds, plus take my puppy for a walk today and tomorrow.
  • I'm the same way right now!!! I want to eat everything in sight! I find myself eating in front of the tv, which I gave up a long time ago. I've decided to start crocheting again just to keep my hands busy. Find things to do to keep yourself occupied and only buy healthy things. I have very small cupboards that will only…
  • She is SOOO evil!!!!! I have been yelling at the tv!!!!!! My neighbors probably think I've lot my mind!!!!
  • I am in love with light skim string cheese!!!!! Pair it with some Whole Wheat crackers and you have your proteins and your carbs. I'm hate to admit I'm horrible with fruit, but you could add an apple or a banana to the mix! Try making your own trail mix with fruit and nuts as well. Also, this time of the year, apples are…
  • This time next year I will be 3/4 of the way done with my weight loss goals. Excersize won't scare me, and shopping for clothes will be fun, not a chore I dread. Good luck to everyone...only we can make the changes to make these things happen...
  • I leave in a big sweaty mess! I usually don't even notice it until I see my reflection in the mirror as I switch machines! :noway: Then I'm like "OMG"!!!!!!!! Oh well!!!!! I'm happy, so who cares?! :laugh:
  • My mom has tons of ripe tomatoes, so I'm having BLTs!!!!! Sub turkey bacon for reg bacon and it's healthy and tasty!
  • I prefer working out in the evening, because I am a night owl. I live in a small community, so I will grab my mp3 player and walk late in the evening for hours, just walking about town. I also don't have cable, so if there is a good show on that I want to watch (Grey's or Biggest Loser) I will do so at the gym and my…
  • Welcome back!!! Keep yourself motivated with obtainable goals!!! The hardest part is coming back...
  • Welcome!!! I'm now back in ND and getting back into the swing of things! Good luck and above all, have fun!
  • I love low carb pizzas!!! I use the Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas (i never use anything but, they are amazing!!!) with a little spaghetti/pizza sauce and layer on the toppings. Can be cheese, grilled chicken, ground turkey and all the veggies it can hold! I stick it in the oven until the cheese is cooked and…
  • This is the first time I've been back in over two months. It kind of sucks to swallow the big pill and do it again!!! The Biggest Loser starts in a month, so I don't want to be sitting by the TV going, "I wish I could do that"!!! Just keep one foot in front of the other!! Good luck!! This website is AMAZING.
  • LMAO!!!!! I'm sitting here hoping my will go AWAY!!!!! I'd be ok not having DDDs!!!! Honestly, a size 8 would be perfect for me, but it's up to you if you lose more!
  • It happens, I work in the industry. I hope the next one if perfect for you!!! :smile:
  • I agree!! Keep seeing all these teams and they are half done!!! I also agree that tomorrow is a great start date!!! Let us know what you had in mind!
  • Cheetos and mac and cheese. Never fails...always eat the whole d*** bag and the whole d*** box of mac and cheese. Mac and Cheese is my pms food, so I do cave once a month!
  • Use premade peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your protein. Just don't do what did!! I hadn't had McD's in a month and decided to do the drive thru last minute before I began my 8 hour road trip. NOT GOOD. I got 200 miles before my stomach had it's revenge! From now on it's premade things all the way. Never will I do…
  • I know you don't like ground turkey, and to be truthful, I don't either. But a coworker mixed taco meat half/half with with ground beef and turkey. I couldn't tell the difference and have been a believer ever since!!! I don't like the texture of ground turkey, so mixing it took care of everything!
    in Taco's Comment by mtcountrygal June 2009
  • Drink a big glass of water and eat a fruit if you have any available. If you aren't drinking enough water, chances are that you are thirsty and mistaking that for hunger. I was a soda freak and wasn't drinking enough water, thus eatting way too much. It sucks, don't get me wrong. Usually if I crave things late at night I…
  • A while back another MFP gal put a link in a post to There are some awesome ideas in there, and they are for 2 or more people. I have found several amazing recipes on there and am excited to try more. Good luck and keep plugging forward!!!
  • I agree with the otheres, don't weigh in that week. I am down to only weighing once a month because my fluctuates so badly because of my birth control. I feel fabulous a week after my period, so this is when I weigh. When I was weighing every week + I would get discouraged and used my "non" loss as a horrible set back…
    in PMS Comment by mtcountrygal May 2009
  • You realize that "empire" waist lines don't make you look pregnant! You drop a shoe size You rush to MFP to see the calories of EVERYTHING you eat BEFORE you eat it! I hope to add many more to the list!
  • This is gonna sound nuts, but drink thru a straw. It's a proven fact that you will drink more. I used to do that with alcohol...gets you drunk faster! I have a Camelbak water bottle that does not leave my side. I usually drink 3 of them or more a day totaling over 9 8 oz glasses a day. It has a "straw" like thing that you…
    in water! Comment by mtcountrygal May 2009
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh did I need to laugh today!
  • I am doing the same thing!!! To be completely honest, I'm not going to worry about it. I haven't had a drink in over 6 months, and it's about time for me to let loose! :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I know I should care, but I do mix my drinks with Diet Caffine free soda. Due to my now low tolerance, I've decided I…
  • I use this as well. Was on Yaz for awhile and saw no relief to my horrible, horrible periods. My periods went from every couple of weeks for 7 long heavy, using a tampon every 45 minutes, to 5 days and normal, if not light flow. Sorry, might be too much info, but I swear by it!!! I am a completely different person with my…
  • I am motivated because it's time for everyone to see the gal that I have been hiding under all the weight! I also really want a baby, and with my family history, conceiving is going to be hard enough someday...might as well make things play in my favor! Also, the fact that my pants are starting to fall off... :smile:…
  • Hey, I would like to join, if I may!!! I agree with everyone...we do lead different lives and different goals. But, we can use this to our advantage!!!!! It seems to me that those losing a huge amount of weight have a lower percentage of gaining it back. :smile: Because we do the "lifestyle" change instead of the "Miracle…
  • Mine did the opposite!!! I have had horrible periods most of my "adult" life...staying in the fetal position wanting to die, type periods. Now that I have been working out and have dropped a few pounds, it's like my body loves me!!!!!! My birth control is helping, though. I have no complaints! Hope you see improvements!…