beckerkra Member


  • My personal preference would be to do strength training. If I'm going to have a calorie surplus, then I want to take full advantage of that surplus and try to gain strength from it by doing some good ole compound lift weight training.
  • Could go and make yourself some nice calorie dense tasty smoothies? I have a nutribullet at home that I use and I typically like throwing in frozen fruit and greens. My typical smoothie is some frozen pineapple, frozen berry blend (blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, etc), and I throw in some Kale, some almonds for protein…
  • Don't use any capitol letters in img. --- [ img ] link here [ /img ] --- (Take out the spaces between the brackets)
  • Yea, I've been so guilty of the same types of things in the past too lol!
  • I have to agree here, even though I do eat very similar to paleo typically. It's the closest "diet" to how I eat if I were to choose one, but I specifically do NOT follow any one type of diet because I refuse to restrict myself 100% on any food I enjoy, period (take a look at my diary if you want to see my holiday…
  • ^^^^ This. Constructive, if a little blunt at most. Blunt does not = needing name calling.
  • Gorgeous! Great work!!
  • I'm really happy this has helped with your motivation! There are so many amazing people with so many amazing successes and I honestly am not sure if I would have made it as far as I have without looking at a lot of the other success stories myself for motivation back when I started this journey to health. I'm glad I'm able…
  • June 1st 2013 Dec 5th 2013 (6 months and 80 lbs) If interested a bit more of my story can be read about (and more pics) by going to either my profile or checking out this thread.
  • Wonderful job this time around!! Lookin amazing!!
  • Once again, thank you all for such kind words! To answer a few questions that have been asked of me in messages that others may be wondering. Yes I still game nightly (Mostly Diablo 3, and WoW currently at the moment). Yes my job is mostly at a desk (80-90%) so yes I don't get near as much activity as I should haha..…
  • Haha, nice! And for anyone else out there plz feel free to add me as a friend if you want.. Although I'll warn that I'm not always good at commenting on people's posts and whatnot heh... I may not be able to respond right away tonight as I'm out on a date with the wife hehe... we're in between movies right now...
  • Wow, Thank you all for the kind words!! I really appreciate it... it took a lot for me to actually click that post button lol... Thank you!
  • Huge gamer here, started gaming on the atari and regular nintendo from as far back as I can remember. Been heavily into MMOs since the original EQ in 1999. Current active games I'm playing right now (or within the last couple months) are, EQ, Diablo 3, WoW, GW2, Final Fantasy 7, dungeon defenders, SWTOR, PoE, DAOC.…
  • Who the heck needs soap operas when you have MFP Community forums! ^.^
  • Basically anything if I don't first dish myself out a specific portion to eat. Hence why I never keep a full container, or bag of anything nearby. I will go take something out of its cupboard, pour out a specific portion size I wish to eat onto a plate or a bowl, put the container/bag of whatever it is back, and only take…
  • Yea, I'm in the exact same boat >.< Although I didn't care how much my ring cost, so this one is super cheap to replace fortunately. I think the big cost should be for the wife's ring, but my own, I could care less lol... I'll just get a new one, and maybe have this one stay in a safe place for the sentimental value added…
  • Definitely a geek, and still definitely a nerd, so I'm chiming in even though I don't fit the jock category, or hot category (yet)... ^.^ Qualifications: Subscriber to Nintendo Power magazine as early as the single digit magazine number. Play D&D every Wednesday night. Host, and partake in LAN Parties several times a year.…
  • I know I'm probably not welcome in this thread due to being a guy, but honestly I have to agree with Jewels here. This is coming from a guy who has a nat G-Cup wife yes, but that also means I see the kind of back problems, and other problems that arise with my wife having larger breasts. The grass is always greener on the…
  • I wouldn't say by any means I'm back in shape yet, but I have a 4 year old daughter that I had gained weight along with the wife from myself already being obese to morbidly obese. Finally got fed up with being morbidly obese June 1st of this year, and am down 59lbs from 291 down to 231 so far (haven't seen this weight…
  • My sentiments exactly on this. Here, let me make this even easier for you OP. Have you figured out what your BMR is? (Basal Metabolic Rate) If you've figured that out, and it says under 1200 calories, than all of these people who are trying to be nice by taking their time to inform you of that you're starving your body are…
  • Mine would have to be introducing myself to notch 7 on my belt this past week (Started from notch 2 June 1st).
  • I'm assuming you have a high speed blender (I use a nutribullet), but this is what I make for myself every day for 1-2 meals. It works great for keeping me full till the next meal and is a perfect meal replacement. It's got a good balanced source of proteins, fats, and carbs. It tastes great too, it's like having a treat…
  • Which renaissance festival was that at? Was that at the Minnesota one? That looks awfully familiar!
  • Had this over the weekend. Didn't make this myself unfortunately, but it's from a place called Angry Trout, a restaurant right off of lake superior north of Duluth, MN. Probably one of the best meals I've ever had in my life. It was so pretty I had to snap a picture of it before eating it lol! The fish this place serves…
  • Here, everyone have a nice fresh nose banana, and settle down.. ^.^
  • I actually just bought the Age of Empires 2 HD rerelease on the last Steam sale. Miss the good ole days of RTSs for sure!
  • Yea, Kenshin disappointed me as well by the end. Started very strong, and definitely still worth watching IMO. OVAs were pretty epic though.. I personally get into mostly Shounen stuff, but I take in a little of everything as I can. My current fav, and I'm so happy they rebooted the anime is Hunter X Hunter.. I just hope…
  • Ha, LOVE the cosplayers, and want to do some myself some day.. I just haven't decided what I'd want to do yet...
  • Definitely looking forward to the elder scrolls online, but moreso for the PvP/RvR than anything to be fully honest. Although the game I'm really looking forward to the most is Camelot Unchained! I donated $450 to the kickstarter campaign for that game lol. Dark Age of Camelot was my favorite PvP/RvR game of all time, and…