

  • OK Roger, "slight increase" = 2.0 pounds. I will take them off before next Saturday.
  • Thanks Clare! You are so right in so many ways. I appreciate your perspective!
  • My "accountability" this week.... it's more of a soap opera saga. I'll spare you the details and just say, from now on, I'll be back with the group. Starting now.
  • Re: faux meat I think since tempeh has been used for centuries, and is one of those "cultured" foods (like yogurt is), it's probably a lot healthier than fake meat products made with TVP and the 100 chemicals listed on the box. I wonder if you can get it low sodium... I myself am way too addicted to Morningstar fake meat…
  • Hi Linda ! Welcome! Lucky you, living only an hour from the Yosemite Valley...
  • This is the person who got a C in cooking class talking... I have 2 dinners that I can make: 1. 1. Quickly peel some carrots, cut up broccolli, cauliflower, tomatoes, green beans, whatever is a veggie in your kitchen and throw it in a pot with some water 2. Boil it until you remember about it (about 10 min) 3. Throw a can…
  • This is a great idea, Roger.
  • Hmmm... Well........ <ahem> *Reached about half of my calorie goal for the week. *Logged in 6 out of 7 days for food tracking * But I did do at least one manifestly fun thing every day. Also, I asked Austin to let me weigh in with him every week and he agreed. Ideally, what happens each week I'd love to have posted for…
  • I promise to post my accountability log each Sunday night, too. Great idea!
  • I heard from one lady who lost 100+ pounds and whose skin did tighten up was that she drank a LOT of fresh water during the two years it took her to lose. She attributed her skin tightening up with slower fat loss and plenty of pure water. Personally, I'd be cautious about taking large doses of supplements without the…
  • Hi Michelle, I am so impressed that you've lost 20 pounds on your own. That's a BEAUTIFUL accomplishment that is YOURS. YOU did it!!!! I'm sorry your husband is such a dysfunctional communicator. Maybe you need to tell him very specifically what he can actually do to help you and what is not helpful... sounds like he needs…