Boxykins Member


  • You don't want to look like that?? Anyway, I read some good amazon reviews on some kind of headband with gutters in it, so it redirects the sweat behind your ears, rather than in your face.
  • I learned that I can run much longer than I thought. I had been doing the C25K and then tried one mission on Zombies Run, and I was much faster because I just kept running (jogging) rather than stopping in between. I will still do the interval training with C25K, but introduce extra Zombie runs!
  • Yes. I really hope they do so too. I have a windows phone, and for some reaon they didn't want to invest more time in developing the app for that platform- so on my runs they don't track GPS and speed accurately. I'd like to add those runs to Endomundo and MyFitnessPal but for now I just have to manually input the data…
  • Accompanied by the obligatory "UAGH"
  • I am also a fan and victim of the snail-like progress. I lost a reasonable amount of weight in short time (4kg in 3 weeks) when I first made the decision to change my lifestyle. I started going to the gym 5 times a week, and begun the fast diet (also called 5:2 diet). Since then, I can tell I have lost fat, but the scales…
  • For me my biggest challenge right now is to really be honest about the amount I eat. Also to get back in my routine of going to the gym at least 4 times a week. I think extra challenges could definitely help keep my head in the game!
  • My bodyfat is at 29% and am looking to get it down to the low 20's relatively soon- but my main goal is sustainability, so keeping it down. I don't mind if it takes long, as long as it stays long :P