bridget1944 Member


  • Did JC say why he did not recommend them? I just ordered them and I am on the BFC plan.
  • I see it in your waist, you look amazing. Often you notice it more in the inches lost than the lbs lost...Keep up the good work.
  • Thank you, the problem with the banana is that it is so high in sugar. I will check out the foods you suggested for sugar content.
  • I am finding it a bit difficult to balance everything. I keep playing with my food intake. I must say though, I am finding it easier to do this JC plan than any other, every little bit helps. i have to lower my sugar intake per my Dr. I have lost most of my longings for sweet stuff. I was a big candy & chocolate eater. Now…
    in carbs Comment by bridget1944 April 2012
  • I try and walk the track and do 10,000 steps--per Dr.Oz. I count that as my exercise in calories burned.....
  • I started the BFC last week 3/26/2012 so far so good. It was quite and adjustment going from eating chocolate and cake most days. My first day I had a headache, withdrawal I am sure from sweets, now I feel ok, don't have those cravings for sweets. I am not weighing myself as I will only drive myself crazy, I have a Drs…