
  • In Orange Park. Looking for a running buddy. This Wed I start a running class with the Florida's Strider Club. I am new to running and am at 3-4 times a week. 1.25-1.5miles. Trying to work up to a 5k by May.
  • everyone of you are huge inspirations to me. OMG, what great changes. I have yet to really figure out this forum post thing yet, but will someday. In the meantime my current before and after is my Avatar pic. I started on 1/1/12 and the pick was about 8 weeks into it. At that point strength training daily and no diet, just…
  • I mix mine with a fat free yogurt every morning. I have not noticed that they make me feel "full" however I my issue has never being hungry all the time, my issue is just eating all the time, whether hungry or not. I notice my skin! If feels so much smother and softer. I can tell there are benefits outside of weight loss.…
  • I am almost in the same boat. I am 48 and need/want to loose 75 lbs. My health is good considering my weight and age. Posting here is the start. As far as meals. Now that my kids are out of the house. I make up crock pot meals and pre freeze them. I will put into a freezer bag a Chicken Breast, some raw veggies, like…
  • Thanks Island Girl. I actually got up early and ran today. This is my first multi-day run. I went 1.5 last night but only did a mile today. I walked the rest of the way home. Still feel good and 1 is better then nothing. I had not had anything to eat yet and it was only 9 hours since last nights run, so I am feeling okay…
  • I just went out one day and ran.....as long as I could. Each day I made an effort to go farther. I think my first day I was like .2 miles. LOL I really didn't start recording the mileage until last week. I went .75, then .8, finally I went 1.2 this past Wed and tonight 1.5. I am feeling so much better. Don't tire as fast,…