New here and just starting out....40+

I just started running a few weeks ago, after a lot of strength training and other exercising. I have been at it since New Years, lost over 10lbs and shrunk 4 inches in my biggest area (waist)

I am up to 1.5 miles a day, but only at a 13min mile. I am so new to this, no running partner and my biggest Idol is my brother in Colorado. Hope I am doing thing right. Hope to get advice here.

1. should I work on my speed or my distance at this point?
2. can I run a couple days in a row or is the rest day more important?
3. I have a 5K on May 5th...yes soon,but if I didn't commit, I wouldn't be reaching.


  • Hi there,

    Im new here too! Im working on getting back to running regularly. So you have inspired me to start tomorrow. I usually do the gym 6 times a week but im not eating enough calories so not losing much weight. Any suggestions. Please share.
  • RDHY2K
    RDHY2K Posts: 8
    I just went out one day and long as I could. Each day I made an effort to go farther. I think my first day I was like .2 miles. LOL I really didn't start recording the mileage until last week. I went .75, then .8, finally I went 1.2 this past Wed and tonight 1.5. I am feeling so much better. Don't tire as fast, my breathing and gait is so much better.

    I am 48 and morbidly obese, so this is very important to me. I really have plans of doing a 13.1 by the end of this year and a 26.2 before I turn 50, the end of next year. A lot to take on, but I can do it..

    I wish I had friends or support here in town, but don't. So I rely on messages from my Brother in Colorado to direct me. (I am in FL)

    I will tell you, it is easier with a I-pod for music (huge motivation) and Quench Gum. My 1.25 on Wed, I was so dry mouthed, when I got home I had a terrible annoying cough. I don't like the idea of carrying a water bottle. So I bought Quench gum and tonight it worked awesome. Didn't need it until half way through, but is worked the rest of the way. NO cough.
  • Rainforst
    Rainforst Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Welcome
    I have been doing this for a while, but I just started working out. I joined a contest in my city for a fund raiser for our local hospital. We call it Quinte's Biggest Loser. We started Jan 9th this year and just finished yesterday. One of the thing we did was set a goal that we would run/walk/crawl 5K. The way I trained for it was I just started walking a about 3.5 on the treadmill, then I would walk / run in intervals until I could at least run for 10min at about 5.5 on the treadmill, Then I did two weeks of walk 1 min and then run at 10 for 30 sec. just to get my breathing better. I have really bad knees and this method seem to work for me. Prevention Mag. has a really good training guide so you can go from a walk to run.
    On March 24th I ran my first 5k in 42 min. I must have done something right. Good luck and have fun.
  • Welcome!:smile:

    Speaking of running half and full marathons ~ you can also walk them. It obviously takes alot longer to walk a half or full marathon but the health benefits are amazing. When I was walking the full marathons I was in pretty good shape (was younger of course) but I "walked the stress right out of my body." These day I now usually walk a half marathon once a year just to keep some level of walking fitness.

    There was a mention about rest days from exercise~ I find for myself that I can do some type of exercise for two days in a row but by the third day I need a break or I need to do something different and use different muscles.
  • RDHY2K
    RDHY2K Posts: 8
    Thanks Island Girl.

    I actually got up early and ran today. This is my first multi-day run. I went 1.5 last night but only did a mile today. I walked the rest of the way home. Still feel good and 1 is better then nothing. I had not had anything to eat yet and it was only 9 hours since last nights run, so I am feeling okay with it.

    I will rest until tomorrow night.
  • Zopa2323
    Zopa2323 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new here too!! Just joined yesterday and am excited for the freebies!! I used to run 5K's regularly 15 years ago and have ended up in my late 40's as a couch potato! I had a huge knee surgery almost two years ago and that completely derailed all activity with just small bursts here and there! So....I have vowed to get back into a regular exercise routine.

    I have an Iphone and found the C25K app (free) which is supposed to train you " the right way" from the Couch, "C" to "2", a 5K in 8 weeks time running 3 days a week for 8 weeks. It works great, as she talks over your work out music and tells you when to run and when to walk so you don't have to watch your time for interval training, which I think is the best way for us "older folks" to get big benefits while taking it easier on our joints! I also like that it is 3 days a week of running which seems manageable in my head as I always start off too big with an idea for my workouts, then I miss a couple of days, and then I tank for 3 months until I start all over again!! Not a good pattern! A quick breakdown of day one - walk briskly for 5 min, run 60sec and then walk 90sec for a total of 20 min, then a 5 min walk for a cool down. Perfect!

    I plan on walking 15 min on my off days and working on some strength training to keep my body moving every day with a long walk/hike on one of the weekend days. Than is my goal! Along with eating healthy I am hoping to move the scale in the other direction for awhile and take off 25lbs!
  • khovenga
    khovenga Posts: 1
    Another newbie. My friend told me about this program 5 days ago and I'm totally hooked! 2 years ago I had a complete hysterectomy and the weight has packed on since then. I just turned 40 and realized I can't excuse the way I look anymore, so I've decided to make a huge lifestyle change.

    I found the couch to 5K app on my iPhone recently and wondered how well it worked. I hated having an ipod in one hand and stopwatch in the other to keep track of run times. Glad to hear this app works well!

    Best of luck to all on your weight loss journey!
  • Zopa2323
    Zopa2323 Posts: 2 Member
    I think the app may be a little slower paced than I have tried in the past, but I am hoping that slower paced will keep me from burning out too quickly. I need a lifestyle change...not just the quick fix.

    Give it a go and let me know what you think.
  • thorn777
    thorn777 Posts: 25 Member
    hi im new here as well and i'rve started my journey by joining a group called mom's run this town. It's a fantastic group of women who just want to get out and walk or run , and you always have someone to run with. They have great advice on products and help with training. Look it up on facebook it might something for you to start in your home town if there isn't one already. Also for the water try finding a water belt they are great to use. they come with the small bottles or bigger ones which ever you are more comfortable with.