

  • I love Almond Milk. I use it in the morning when I make my breakfast shake. I add a variety of fruit and ice chips; it's so good:happy: I have also tried the Soy milk they even have it in chocolate.
  • Going over in sodium is critical. I've gotten to the point that I don't even include salt in my meals I use other spices to add flavor. This is a big thing for me because I was one that added salt before even tasting my food. Personally, for me salt was my enemy and did not help with weight lost and I ended up with a lot…
  • There are a lot of things that you can buy to satisfy your sweet tooth without messing up your calories. There are a lot of 100 calories snack out there that you can purchase. I buy the Skiiny Cow Chocolate fudge ice cream, Nabisco Oreo Thin Crips, chocoloat covered pretzels (all 100 calories), weight watchers has some…
  • Weighing and measuring your food is important. Also, do you use a lot of salt on your food. That water weight can hinder your weight lost. I know not to even weigh myself when I have water weight. I can tell by looking at my ankles. Look again at what you are eating. I have learned that some foods I need to stay away from…
  • You can really see a difference. Keep it up!!
  • Why do you think that he likes other body types? Has he indicated this to you if not please don't go there. You need to learn to love yourself regardless of what others may think. Get rid of the negatives thoughts that you are having right now and keep telling yourself that you can do this. Don't let this defeat you.…
  • I brought some Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and had convinced myself that I could eat only 1/2 cup :laugh: that's impossible. It's 260 calories per serving=1/2 cup. You can so easily end of eating the whole pint :sad: But, it was so good:laugh: I will not make that purchase again. I usually get the…
  • I'm glad that I read this. I started out doing mostly strength training. Then I started doing all cardio and no strength training. Lately, due to some medical issues I haven't been doing either. But, when I start back I'm going to be doing a balance of cardio and strength training. I really do need to tighten-up.
  • I use to go to weight watchers and you pay a fee for someone to tell you what to eat and weigh you. But, with MFP I do it for myself and save a lot of money and getting the same if not better results.:happy:
  • I have had many of these moments over the years. The difference now is that I really got serious about it. When you realize that you could possibly be on your way to having a stroke or heart attack or the pain that you are feeling now is at times unbearable you realize that you got to do something. It was almost crippling.…
  • How many meals do you eat a day? I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner than another snack before I go to bed at night. If, I have something left over and I can still work in into my calories than I might use it for a snack. But everything that I eat is calorie and portion controlled. I never feel stuffed like I use…
  • I have had high blood pressure for years now and take medication daily. My doctor has told me that if i would lose the weight I could eventually get off the medication. :happy:
  • I use a digital food scale. It can measure grams, ounces and pounds. I also use a measuring cup. I have had success using these two items. I am careful with my meat portions and have been pleasantly surprised that I really don't need those big portions. I mostly eat chicken, fish and turkey. I use turkey products like…
  • You go girl:smile: This is so motivating to hear. It shows that it can be done but you have to be determined and let nothing or nobody stand in your way (even yourself).
  • Lots of green vegetables and water helps me. I also use colon cleansers from the health food store sometimes.
    in Poop Comment by DivineDee February 2013
  • I'm in. I also hope to lost 10 lbs by March 1st.
  • What kind of cardio are you doing and how often? I started doing the strength training but when I started doing the cardio I could see a big difference in the weight and I am losing inches slowly. I try to do cardio at least 5-6 times a week. I also stay beneath my calories. Even if I earn more calories from my cardio…
  • I spread my calories throughout the day most of the time so that I can have an evening snack. I might have a smoothie, a 100 calorie snack, Skinny cow ice cream, jello, yogurt, an apple. Something low in calories. But, if I don't feel like a snack at night I don't eat it even if I am below my calorie goal.
  • I log in my food usually the night before that way I know exactly what I'm going to eat and how much. If, not I do it early in the morning. Also, I have MFP on my phone if I need to make any adjustments. Doing the food log has really helped me stay within or a little below my calorie, fat, carb range. I'm usually above in…
  • Do you weigh your food? I use a food scale everyday to measure the ounces or grams that I should be consuming. I also try to do my food planning in advance so that I know exactly what I am suppose to have for that day and the portion amount. My food dairy (is essential) is set for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner,…
  • My health over the years has gotten from bad to worst. A lot is caused by being overweight. Looking back now I wish that I had been more persistent with the weight lost but I kept putting it off. But my motto is better late than never. So here I am at 62 trying to do what I should have done years ago. But, I'm off to a…
  • I'm so sorry about the harmful comments that were made towards you. People sometime say harmful things to make them feel good about themselves and don't realize the hurt and pain that they have caused others. You are a very kind and loving person the way you take care of animals. Just keep your eyes on the prize, what you…
  • I stared back on My Fitness Pal on 1/8/2013. I was doing it before months ago but got discouraged and stopped. But, I'm back and am determined to stick to it this time. I understanding that it took years to put this weight on and its going to take time to lose it.:smile: