Most hurtful comments



  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I started putting on the curves at puberty, I must have about 13, laying facing the sofa and kinda napping kinda listening to the news, after school. My grandmothers BF (drunk), Looked at my behind and said "I bet her butt is at least 7 axe handles wide!! Then he actually broke out the axe, measured my a@@ and told everyone in hearing distance, "nope only 6 axe handles wide". I also started getting my adult curves before the other girls, It seemed like I would go to bed and wake up another full cup size. With in the summer I went from AA to DD. Oh the kids loved to make fun of me STUFFING my bra!!! All of the comments and crap that went on during this time, gave me the great idea to stop eatting. I would eat a taco bell toastada once every three days (that went on the entire summer of 78. Then I decided it wasnt working, I weighed 95lbs at 5'3", wore a size one, dress and jeans. I am now 48 wear a size 20 and have as many issues eatting enough as most on MFP have issues in eatting too many calories.

    When i get hungry for chocolate or sweets, I eat cooked butternut sqaush, with slenda, a bit of butter and pumpkin spice. I cup of that is about 62 calories. I find a way to eat as low calorie food as I can. I gained all my weight by NOT eatting.... When people used to say mean stuff to me, i just cut back on the calories, and gained even more.

    I dont listen to what people say any more, because they have no clue. Im fat, but can loose weight, they are rude and there just doesnt seem to be a cure for it.
  • I had my daughter 7 years ago. When she was two months I was at the grocery store and the lady behind me asked me how she was. So we talked for a minute. Then I turned to pay for my groceries and she says 'Oh! and you're having another one! Do you know what it is yet?' I was so caught off guard by this that I just looked dumbfounded at the cashier and she had the same look on her face and said 'no'. I have still not been able to lose the weight from my daughter and have been asked multiple times a year when I am due, how far along I am or if I know what I am having. It sucks because it usually conveniently comes at a time when I really feel like a failure and will never succeed at losing the baby weight. I think the worst time was when a co-worker (who I have worked with for 3 years and I wasn't any bigger than when I started working with her) stopped me in the hall and said 'no offense, but are you pregnant?' I was like 'no' and she said 'oh, I am sorry, I was just wondering because everybody is talking about it.' I was mortified. I assume she just said that to try and make it seem like she had a justified reason for asking me but it still sucked because I still worry that people are talking about how I look pregnant. I kept to myself for several weeks after that because I didn't want to face anyone who might have been talking about whether I was pregnant or not.
  • MBNagel74
    MBNagel74 Posts: 444 Member
    There are a LOT of ignorant people out there. I am sorry for anyone who has bullied for their figure. Sadly, I have not been immune to this. I remember a girl in grade school sticking a needle on my *kitten* in class one day thinking my butt might deflate. Humiliating to say the least... :embarassed:

    Looking back, she was insecure in many ways, and the way she dealt with it was by bullying others. Sad...

    And we wonder why so many have image issues? Geez
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I don't know how people could be so rude and hurtful. Obviously such a horrible thing to hear and it's awful how much the hurtful comments stick.

    I think it is sad hat there is a thread here dedicated to people raking over such hurtful comments again. They are best left forgotten and people realising that anyone who says such things are bad people that don't deserve your time.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    It's sad and pathetic that people feel they have the right to shame and belittle others. Do people not stop to think at all anymore? It's not okay to discriminate in any situation but no one would get away with making racist or sexist comments these days. Body size however is fair game evidently! It's pathetic. How would he feel if it was his wife, his son, his daughter, mother or father that was spoken to in this manner? Honestly! I feel sorry for him. Body sizes can go up or down but ignorant *kitten* will never change.

    I think the person who suggested she throw a cupcake at his head had a really good idea.
  • nadz3
    nadz3 Posts: 24 Member
    That is absolutely disgusting behavior! I can't believe how rude people are! It upsets me hearing stories like this! Don't let people get u down xx
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    Last year this time I had finally had enough of the "are you pregnant" "when are you due" comments I got them pretty regular from people.
    When I was growing up I was stick thin...I had people call me anorexic. My dad would call me flat chested all the time and chicken legs.
  • mindymh78
    mindymh78 Posts: 19 Member
    It's always easier for people to focus on others rather than themselves. Those comments were unnecessary and rude. I'm sorry you had to endure them.

    I've been called "chunky", having too much "baby fat", and "big boned" all my life. All nice ways of saying FAT. I feel for you. :grumble:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    One time at work this gentlemen (I use the word loosely) came through our line. My coworker was ringing him through, I was packing and doing my usual customer service thing. Suddenly he leans into my coworker, who hadn't said a word, and says: "If only you were as loud as your coworker is ugly."

    He then went on to make snarky remarks about how annoying I was. ):

    I'd never seen the guy before in my life. It hurt so much and I don't know why. I didn't know him! Never saw him again! But I will never forget him.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    One time at work this gentlemen (I use the word loosely) came through our line. My coworker was ringing him through, I was packing and doing my usual customer service thing. Suddenly he leans into my coworker, who hadn't said a word, and says: "If only you were as loud as your coworker is ugly."

    He then went on to make snarky remarks about how annoying I was. ):

    I'd never seen the guy before in my life. It hurt so much and I don't know why. I didn't know him! Never saw him again! But I will never forget him.

    Just so you know penrbrown, you're not ugly. I hope you let that roll off your back. He's obviously the ugly one.
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I am so sorry to hear how common it is to have people feel the need to put others down, and for all those who have been hurt by those words. I have had a lot of other comments just fall by thee waist side, not sure why these ones stuck, I think it is more about the lack of respect for another person than the actual words. I am working on my self, everyday, in some way, to be a better person. I am always mindful of how I speak to others, because you never know what anyone is going through, your words, if they are kind, can turn a bad day into a good one, and if your words if cruel, hurtful, or even just plain rude can push a fragile person over the edge.
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh, and yes, in retrospect, I wish i had thrown a cupcake at him, not for revenge, just for the comic relief of it :)
  • Just think, how pathetic it is that a person gets pleasure from insulting another. Remember we are all equal. Sorry you had your feelings hurt by these jerks hun, i've had similiar experiences in the past also. I just tell them their opinions of me are worthless and i walk away with my head held high :happy:
  • Oh, and yes, in retrospect, I wish i had thrown a cupcake at him, not for revenge, just for the comic relief of it :)
    Thats too funny ! :laugh:
  • I'm so sorry about the harmful comments that were made towards you. People sometime say harmful things to make them feel good about themselves and don't realize the hurt and pain that they have caused others. You are a very kind and loving person the way you take care of animals. Just keep your eyes on the prize, what you are going to accomplish with your weight lost.:happy:
  • hon3yd0g
    hon3yd0g Posts: 52 Member
    hard i know,but ppl like that aint worth the time of day,just sad little people with nothing better 2 do!!chin up.:smile:
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Oh. My. God. I would have given both of them a punch in the face! Dirty scumbags. That is just rude and unneccesary! But I guess you just have to remember how bad their lives must be to have to do that to someone to make themselves feel better...
  • AndreaChronicles
    AndreaChronicles Posts: 22 Member
    I once had someone yell out of a car that I was a fatass.... I was a size 10 then.

    My dad use to always say little comments here and there and think it was funny but they just hurt. I really don't think he meant anything by it but some people can be stupid sometimes. My parents don't really make any comments anymore since I have kids now.

    I recently had a "friend" someone I considered as a person I was close to tell me to take down my facebook picture because I look obese (which I am but geez thats how I look). I cried a little and decided to just ignore her from now on and not really be her friend. If she tries to call or something I don't pick up the phone or respond to any of her FB messages.
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    I think people just need to keep their rude comments to themselves. It makes me sick that people have the nerve to judge other people. It is time that people start looking at other's hearts, instead of the exterior of a person! :cry:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I would have made a farty noise and been like "That's what sound *kitten* make, right?"