kend9998 Member


  • My guess would be that they're made up of more than just raw potatoes. (?) look at the package of tater tots where the ingredients are listed. i bet theres a lot more than just potatoes listed on there. That's just my guess. i don't have anything here to go by for reference..
  • i think this is very well said, and i relate so much to the part about 200 cal. before 11am, being hungry at lunch, and really hungry at dinner. sounds just like me :-)
  • i'm similar size and stature to you, and i started out doing 1200, and did great at first, but now my losing has slowed down tremendously, so i am upping my calories to 1400. i have a feeling i wasn't eating enough. I've not been here long enough to really advise you on the right amount, but most people on here will…
  • hitting 199 pounds. that was what i weighed in, on the day i had my kid. (not after having the kid, before). i never hit 200, and never thought i could. so i was thinking, omg, i weigh the same as i did when i was 9 months
  • my guess is that the purpose is to see if there are still a lot of decent people posting that agree about all the snarkiness, rudeness, etc. Just my guess. Seems to me that calling the rude people out on a particular thread, just causes a never ending arguing thread. I know i have stopped reading several, because after…
  • i don't think i have ever stayed within the sodium one. I don't really know what to tell you though, because although I have lost 15 lbs., my losing has slowed to a crawl lately. I'm trying to cut back on salt to see if that will help. I have noticed that I have to drink a lot of water to help counteract the…
  • totally agree with this. I joined MFP when a friend told me they had the best forums, and great people/support. Looks like a lot of people (not everyone. there are some really great, helpful people here too) only post to insult people and belittle them. So what if someone asks if a diet pill works? If you haven't tried it,…
  • oh, I didn't see that you had already lost a lot...congratulations on that. you must be doing something right. Try to be patient. I know how it feels to do good, then see progress come to a screeching halt. It's very discouraging, but hang in there.
  • is it possible that you are underestimating a lot more than you think? One thing that surprised me since I started tracking was that I was that my estimations were WAY off.
  • ^THIS. there are some things though, that I just seem to think is just 'not worth' the calories anymore...but if I ever decided to give up some things, pizza would NEVER be one of them.
  • Giovanni's meat lovers pizza
  • Science Mama, i have tried it, and it didn't work for me.
  • I like Maxwell House International Cafe french vanilla. it's sugar free, and about 30 calories/Tbs., i think.
  • that's good to hear. makes it easier to take that big step, upping your calories, when you know it has worked for someone else. :-)
  • wow, that's great! i've been doing 1200/day, and was very not so much, now. and from what i'm reading, i should up my calories some. i keep coming up with different numbers from all the different calculators, but i'm going to try 1400 for a while, and see how that goes.
  • sounds like i'm in the same boat. good luck to you. i'm going to be trying the same :-)
  • i drink at least 8 servings of water every day. sometimes i may forget to log a few bottles, but water is never an issue. on a random day, i may run out of bottled water and only drink 6 servings, but that has only happened a few times. did you look much past this past week? cuz normally i eat plenty of fruits.(but not too…
  • really? i can do ok on 1200. it was hard at first, but i can do it ok now. but it would be hard to do less. lol.
  • thanks so much! i know i had read that other people were losing no matter what they ate, as long as they stayed within their calorie goals, and therefore, i got a little lazy with my food choices... like tonight for example, i had a lot of work to do, so i told my husband he could pick up whatever he wanted for dinner. i…
  • hopefully that worked...sorry guys. :-P
  • ok, sorry, this is new to me. i'll try again. thanks!
  • i think i may have fixed the privacy thing... but anyway, i don't exercise a lot, but when i do , i eat back most of the calories.
  • seems like maybe a month...
  • oh, i thought i fixed it so that it wasn't private...i even said that in my post.... let me see if i can figure out how to do that...
  • I've not been on here long enough to give much advice, but just wanted to say that I'm over on protein just about every day as well. I think the sugar, carbs, fat, etc. are more like limits than goals, but I could be wrong...
  • well that's good. i'm glad because it seems like I used to hear that you should eat more calories in the morning. But I'm just not very hungry in the mornings.
  • I appreciate the help,and sorry for being so dumb on the subject. I just want to make sure I'm starting with the correct information. So I do have a lot to lose (65 lbs. just to be in the upper range of 'normal' weight..) so is 2 lb./week still too high? And if not, is 1200 cal./day still too low? I'm just reading a lot of…
  • oh, I didn't know MFP would let me set the goal too high. is 2 lbs./ week too high? so i should eat 1550 calories/day?
  • even after looking at that link, I am still confused. mfp has my goal calories at 1200, but my Bmr is 1550. I keep reading posts where people say 'don't go below your BMR," but wouldn't that just make me maintain the same weight? So, just plain and simple, should I be eating 1200 calories a day or 1550? If I'm not…