

  • Can you give a source to this?
  • Would you rather I spread ignorance and misinformation? Perhaps I should claim that I'm a dietary specialist and you should believe every word I say without question.
  • Do some research instead of asking people on an internet forum "But here's the thing: in no study I've ever seen has the drop in metabolic rate been sufficient to completely offset the caloric deficit. That is, say that cutting your calories by 50% per…
  • Most people seek validation in one way or another. It would be out of the ordinary for you to not.
    in OMG Comment by zaneyard April 2013
  • People are just jealous that you're putting forth the effort to better yourself and they don't want to take the time.
  • Of course I'm sure that you know that IF isn't magic and you still have to eat at a deficit to lose, and a surplus to gain. Though IF has taught me that appetite is a controllable sensation often has nothing to do with actual dietary needs.
  • Google "osteoarthritis and strength training" Turns out it could actually help reduce pain!
  • Oh absolutely, how did I forget to mention that?
  • Put it this way, if you're truly eating at a net of 300 calories daily, your body should be rapidly breaking down fat and muscle to fuel your vital functions. That's not to imply that eating 300 calories a day is too little, as it's been documented that one could fast healthily for long periods (look up long term fasting…
  • Yeah I lose 5 pounds of water weight overnight. Look more at the mirror and not the scale. I hate to be a jerk, but you're not burning 1600 calories doing light walking and dancing.
  • Actually, short term fasting is linked to increased metabolic rate Although I can't seem to find any studies on appetite control, my own observations are extremely positive on the matter.
  • Was just a thought without knowing more of your goals.
  • That's the one thing is at first I really felt like I was starving myself so I would plow food later. Keeping your intake in check in the beginning is difficult, but once you get used to it I think the benefits are worth it. Google "Why does breakfast make me hungry?" if you're interested in reading why this happens.
  • I suggest you do some research into leangains. I'm not really sure what the whole low/medium/high thing is, but yes, 1000 calories a day is quite a big cut unless you're severely overweight. Then again, I shouldn't make any assumptions because you listed no stats at all. Edit: wow I just read that article and it makes me…
  • Uhh ok.
  • That makes it a little bit different I guess, although dancing can get pretty intense. I would then count those days as rest days for the sake of the calculator. You might want to eat a little more if your dancing makes you feel drained all day, I'll let you make that judgment call. A -20/0 would work out for you then if…
  • There really is no way to do it with MFP. Leangainers have been trying to get MFP to add something like this for a while. You could set custom goals for yourself each day, but that's tedious.
  • I prefer the classic wings cause then I can show off my wing eating skills.
  • How does one hate hot chicken wings?
  • If you're not going to a chain where they likely have nutritional information available, you're just going to have to guess. Take your meal and estimate what's all in it. If it's a chain, there's likely a way to obtain nutritional information and you can double check that way. Try emailing support. A google search might…
  • That's like getting a food boner and then stopping. Seriously though, doing a leangains cut and even 6 wings have more fat than a rest day at -30.
  • Yeah that protein for 24 wings is the only saving grace. There's absolutely no way I can fit that fat into any of my days, even rest days though. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a monthly cheat day, but there's no way I could fit this into any diet other than permabulk mode.
  • That calculator was made mostly for leangains I think. Default is set -20/+20 recomp. If you're working out 6 days a week don't use this calculator. There's no point in doing carb cycling if you're not strength training and only strength training. Just do a -20 cut flat. If you want to do IF go ahead. If your goals are to…
  • Oh I absolutely love Bdubs and hot wings, but there's no way I can fit this into my macros for anything other than a huge cheat day.
  • A cleanse of my exit regions.
  • I was a bit surprised at how calorie dense the foods are. 24 wings is over my limit even on workout days. Good thing it's only a once a month thing.