buyer225 Member


  • I promised myself that every time I got to a weight that ended in a 9 I would buy myself something. The first one was going to be a Northface fleece jacket but then I thought I was still to big. I just hit my 3rd 9 so I think I'll go try on that jacket again!
  • I've always eaten Fiber One because of all the fiber, thinking it would keep me full longer. There are some really good varieties. I just tried a box of Special K High Protein and it really did get me through the morning without hunger pains.
  • I always said I'd rather drink my calories than eat them. It was more fun. But all I really did was drink them which also had me eating too much too. My husband and I love to sit at a bar on a Sat. night and watch sports, drink beer and eat wings, nachos, all kinds of pub food. He gains a few lbs. Not much. I blow up like…
  • south of Boston
  • If you have a smart phone try Pandora and search fitness music. They have different genres and you can set up a mix of several different ones.
  • How did you lose so much so fast? I have been on this site for 60 days, been logging virtually every bite and staying consistently under my calorie goal and have lost 12 lbs. I'm jealous but would love to be your friend.
  • I always weigh after cooking. Sometimes the difference in weight before and after can be huge. You especially don't want to cheat yourself out of anything. Then you just get hungrier and that is not a good thing. Sometime you just need to type the right thing in to get the after cooked calories.
  • You all have valid points. To be clear, I have never attacked anyone on any board about this. I have read an awful lot of posts that I personally feel are inappropriate on a weight loss site. That is ALL I was trying to say. Everyone can believe in what ever they want. I just feel it doesn't belong here. I wanted to find…
  • We have a few who agree, Shap. We are not alone!!
  • Thanks. I figured the v was for victory but had no idea what the rest was.
  • This is probably a stupid question but I'm fairly new here. What does NSV stand for?
  • Thanks for the advice. I've decided to take a little advice from everyone. I'm only going to log my weigh ins 2 x week. Thursday (candy day at work) for extra motivation and Monday (to help me thru the weekends). Hopefully somewhere along the way I'll relax around the scale. Thanks everyone!
  • The best way to lose weight and keep it off is 05 to 1 lb per week. 16 lbs in 4 weeks is closer to 1 per week. Nothing wrong with that. Pick up 16 lbs of something. Then you'll see how much it really is. We all want to lose fast. Especially those of us with a lot to lose but lose it fast and put it back on faster. Slow and…
  • People suck and are mean. Are they really so perfect? Take the pictures down. They will only continue to upset you with the nasty comments. These people don't know you. You look happy in the pictures and that is the only thing that matters!