

  • although I'm not a huge fan of the protein diet, on my recovery day I eat mainly proteins, and DRINK A LOT! It helps to clean the boddy out of the rubbish etc. Well there are some occasions that force you to eat something that is not so good for the diet but If only you don't loose yourself and remain conscious about what…
  • Good to know that, I'll definitely start doing it, it seems to be so obvious and easy! What about a skipping rope - which parts of the body does it shape?
  • Damn, If I was living anywhere near NYC... i'd go running in central park like every single day, seriously!!
  • Hey Ashley, I'm new around here as well, I've always been focused on food mainly and now I can see that it's more about movement, sports and stuff like that. And I definitely want to feel that buzz and get fully involved in workouts, how about motivating each other? Cheers, Kate