gigglediva Member


  • Training is a unique and amazing experience. You will learn a lot about yourself. I have been certified for nearly 4 years in BodyPump and it really has changed my life. Good luck and have fun!
  • Sometimes back pain can be caused by wearing the wrong shoes.Make sure you are wearing good supportive, comfy sneakers. As others have said, core strength is very important as well. Good luck!
  • Was this your first time lifting weights or just doing pump? It's usually the most painful the first time and gets less and less as you continue. You will find that you get stronger very quickly. I teach Body Pump and always tell people to use light weight to start out with and focus on form. Your instructor should give…
  • Honestly, all of it is good for you! Cross training is a great way to get/stay fit. Really, it's a matter of finding what you like best! Personally, I love all of Les Mills' programs and would highly recommend them! In fact, I am a little jealous that you have access to Body Jam! We don't have it where I live. I found the…
  • YES!! I am an Attack instructor and it is my absolute favorite thing to teach! It is always the highlight of my week! I love the music, love the energy, everything about it. As for calorie burn, when I wore my HRM it said I burned about 800 calories. It is possible that talking through it adds extra burn. Lol, it feels…
  • I think the best way to find out is to wear a heart rate monitor. I burn about 400-500 calories doing Pump ( LOVE it!!!), but it is different for everyone.
  • The moving comfort Juno is the best I have found! Good luck! It is worth the extra money!
  • I have never tried Curves, but I did use a similar circuit type of gym. It was a great place for a short time, but there really wasn't much variety and I got bored very quickly! It really depends on what is available in your area, but some regular gyms have a "woman's only" area and there could be lots of great classes to…
  • I think if you stick with it any program works. It is a matter of finding what you like. I have tried P90X and personally couldn't do it because I didn't love the trainer. The workouts are ok though. I have not done the home version, but BeachBody has released "Les Mills Pump". I am a Les Mills instructor and know that the…
  • Do you make smoothies? Throw a handful of spinach or kale in there and blend it up. You can't taste it! Keep trying different things! Good luck!