sunfyrejade Member


  • How have you lost that 8 pounds? Are you eating really different foods than you were? Are you coming off a soda/coffee/something habit? Also, what was your last straw? Why are you doing this now?
  • When this happens to me, there is usually another reason behind it. Are you stressed? Did something change? The other thing is that 24 pounds in 2 months is pretty fast weight loss so you might be rebounding from that and may need to alter your calorie intake /plan of attack just because as you move through the process…
  • I would love an invite!
  • All very awesome reasons, thanks everyone!
  • Thank you everyone, I'll keep all of your suggestions in mind and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
  • I cook one meal, I will say I do not have children to worry about (just one big child in the form of a man). But my thoughts are, if it's not healthy for an adult, why is it good to feed to a child? or vice versa? I think healthy foods are important for everyone in the house.
  • "Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don't shoot their husbands, they just don't!" I exercise because I notice a change in my mood and it also helps me sleep better and feel ready to attack tomorrow.
  • I weigh in Saturday morning so I have to stay on track friday night but then give myself saturday off after I've weighed in. I still track everything that I eat but I'm not as careful about what I eat, then sunday I tell myself I have to stick with it to prepare for the week by being on target because if I slide on sunday…
  • Some foods I still love and eat but those I budget for. Other foods I can't believe I used to eat them. Each person is a little different with what foods are triggers and whatnot. Each journey is different and they are all hard but don't make them harder by tempting yourself with foods or beating yourself up. You learn…
  • I actually think it gets harder as you move forward. I've reached a point where I'm tired of counting calories, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I what the magic button that will fix it, but I know that doesn't exist. I will tell you one of the things that I'm trying to do because I feel like I'm in the same boat. I am…
  • I'm not offended at the therapy idea, I already have an appointment with a counselor next week :laugh: . I am pretty sure I can identify most of my problems the trick is moving past it and moving forward. I guess what gets me is I'm usually so good at surmounting obstacles and getting around problems that I feel frustrated…
  • Lost 80, got divorced, gained 20 and now I'm struggling to get moving down again. Luckily I haven't gained more back but I've been stalled.
  • Write down why you want to be around for them. That way when you think you're taking an hour away from them you can remember that you want to see them get married or meet your grandbaby, or whatever but you'll be able to do that because you're alive.
  • I'm not a mom, but I have two thoughts on this... 1. Think of all the time you're getting back, you may spend an hour a day doing whatever workout but you're getting years back to spend with them. You're also setting a good example about how putting yourself first once and a while can be very important. Moms are notorious…
  • LOL, I think we're really talking the same side of a point just in different ways. The bottom line is people need to be responsible for what they put into their systems and not make the excuses that we've all made for various reasons that caused us to gain weight.
  • Scientifically a calorie is a calorie, it is a unit of energy. How easily your body accesses and uses those calories is different from food to food. Your body will spend less time working to get the energy from a candy bar than a piece of chicken because the candy bar calories are already broken down for us. All foods have…
  • Calorie counting was so difficult for me in the beginning because I NEVER paid attention to what I was eating or how much. Work on reaching the goal first, and some of the macros are a little skewed. While sugar from an apple is still sugar, it is not refined sugar of a candy bar so just be patient with yourself and you'll…
  • I think it depends on your term of "junk", I think what the OP was trying to highlight was blaming food that is not nutritionally sound is a cop out. I definitely agree with food choices being a big part of health and well-being. Processed food with more chemicals in them that most people cannot pronounce is looked at by…
  • One caveat I would add to this is...depending on your family background you may have been raised with unhealthy habits that are in fact your parents fault but once you reach a certain age it is your responsibility to educate yourself and fix these habits. Case in point, I was raised drinking soda to the point where I was…
  • True! Just because a person doesn't understand why there is a lack of balance between energy in and energy out doesn't mean it isn't the reason. We just have to figure out why our in/out is messed up.
  • I think that part of all your theories hold true for most people in some combination. The basic lack of understanding of calories needed v. calories ingested is the fundamental problem in all overweight individuals it just is a matter of why we don't pay attention to what we're eating or if we're full or not. Also, being…
  • I'll jump on the wagon. This is the first time I'm checking out the forums here so this'll be a good way to start