suzikay12 Member


  • I would consider 30 day shred as a good base to start with for moving on to any Jillian DVD. The moves are basic but effective. The moves in Ripped in 30 were a little more complicated and a little harder. Both are good videos. I use them both. I also regularly use No More Trouble Zones, which is primarily strength…
  • I think NMTZ is an excellent dvd. I try to fit it in once or twice per week. It is not a do everyday dvd like Jillians Shred or Ripped. It is 45-50 minutes long and exclusively focused on low weight/high rep weight training exercises. I still consider myself somewhat new to weight training since I haven't graduated to…
  • I am 5'8 and my goal is 160lb (72kg). Anything less than that and I start looking unhealthy. My routine is 2 days of 30 minutes of HIIT, 2 days of 30-45 minutes of lifting, one day of 45 minutes to an hour of pure cardio. Saturday and Sunday are generally rest days, although if the weather is nice I'll do a leisurely (3 to…
  • If you do a search you will find a couple thousand threads on the 30 Day Shred! Happy Shredding :)
  • Yep, Walking, 4.0mph, very brisk pace is pretty close to accurate give or take a bit (I can only speak for myself since I know my calories burned) but the Walking 4.0mph one is way off.
  • Are you talking about the static lunges in circuit 2 or the side lunges in circuit 3(maybe both)? Either one I think could be substituted with a sumo squat as it would work approximately the same muscle groups. Not really sure how a sumo squat combined with a bicep curl would work together, that might create a strange…
  • I log 30DS as 20 minutes of circuit training. Basically, I'm not counting the calories burned during the warm up and cool down. I have compared this to what people who are similar size to me get on their HRM and it's pretty close. I would rather under estimate my calorie burn than over estimate.
  • I have never gotten faster visible results from any other work out video. It worked so well that all of my friends started doing it after seeing my results.
  • I actually remember saying the "you have such a pretty face" line to someone. I was young (18ish) and obviously a complete idiot. At the time I had no clue that it could be insulting. I didn't mean for it to be insulting at all. I'm nearly 20 years older and wiser now, the conversation has popped back into my head from…
  • Haha, 3 posts in a row about Iowa and Idaho not being the same! People think that Iowa is all boonies also. Far from the truth.
  • Yes I'm from Iowa and I'm proud of it. No, it isn't the potato state or the buckeye state. No, I don't drive a tractor to work. No, I don't wear bib overalls (except in the 90's when they were in style for a hot second but I choose to block that out of my memory). No we are not all farmers, although we do have some damn…
  • Montreal Steak Seasoning is what I use for all my grilled veggies, including zucchini. I love the stuff!
  • OMG! Can't believe it took until page 5 to find a RHCP fan!! They are definitely my all time fav, although a lot of times my favorite song/band is the one playing right now and then a minute later when it switches I discover a new favorite. I will also admit to liking country, metal, rock, rap, techno, house, disco.…
  • I'm a chick, I have a big butt, therefore I'm rooting for the big booty b!#$%s! On a side note, I've seen both big and small that are hot, I think its more about proportion and shape than actual size.
  • I can hardly remember what the OP's question was but I know this thread has secured the fact that I will be having an ice cold beer in the 100 degree heat when I get off work.
  • I did my first day of Ripped in 30 level 2 last night. I had been dreading it because I heard it was a killer. However, I really didn't think it was hard. As a matter of fact, I thought it was considerably easier than level 1. This pretty much goes against everything I had heard so now I'm wondering if I'm not doing it…
  • I did 30DS first and I am now on D1L2 of RI30. In my opinion, level one of ripped is harder than any of the shred but only by a bit. Ripped is a bit more fast paced than the shred which I really like. You might be bored doing the shred after doing ripped.
  • Fat free turkey hot dogs=grossest thing I've ever tasted. Hot dogs are made from lips and a**holes and turkeys don't have lips so I'm not sure what I was expecting. :tongue: To be fair, I know several people who like them. They just are not for me.
  • Today is my last day of RI30 Level 1! If I don't log in tomorrow, you will all know it is because I died trying level 2 :wink:
  • I'm 5'8 and started at exactly 188! I carry my weight very evenly so people always thought I weighed less too. I'm about 163 now and very happy at this weight, although I'm aiming for 159 just to say I'm in the 150's :wink: I owe a considerable amount of credit to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I did it 2 months in a row…
  • Please friend me! I need some JM fans as friends for motivation and support. I've completed 30DS twice. Couldn't believe the body changes! I took a two week hiatus then started RI30 on Monday. My legs are sore but not intolerably so. I'm using 5lb weights but thinking of increasing to 8lbs. Except for those damn side…
  • I completed 30DS twice in a row. Killer results. By the end I could do almost all moves like a rock star and was feeling pretty bad *kitten* about myself. Started RI30 on Monday and my friggin hammies and glutes are screaming!!! Apparently I'm not as bad *kitten* as I thought. Darn you Jillian!
  • This is the same problem I'm having! I don't really know where to start for heavy lifting, so I don't start at all. (I dabble at home, pretty much same as you) Also, I wish there was a gym etiquette guide to lifting so I don't end up being the person doing curls at the squat rack or whatever annoys serious lifters.
  • Yep. Out of the dozens of videos I've done over the years. Hers (I've done 30DS and RI30) actually get the results they claim. That's enough for me. Respect.
  • Don't put any oil in the bag. Just the popcorn. Fold bag over a couple of times. Micro on the popcorn setting. I've never had it burn but I do listen for the popping to slow and stop it if needed. I top mine with a mist of pam cooking spray and then sprinkle a bit of sugar and salt on. (The pam makes the sugar and salt…
    in Popcorn? Comment by suzikay12 June 2012
  • I used to put so much stuff in my coffee that it was probably closer to caramel than coffee. I started drinking it black out of convenience because it took 1 second to pour a cup of black coffee and head out the door and I needed to cut my morning routine down. It really didn't take me long until I was used to drinking it…
  • I'm starting RI30 today. I got amazing results with 30DS so I'm hoping RI30 will continue to build on that. I want to keep track of this thread and see what others have to say. I don't have much to lose, mostly need to tone and build muscle.
  • I think looking good in bikini is one of my goals. I've always worn a bikini but I guess I put that as my goal because I feel like it covers everything I want to accomplish...getting toned, slimming down, feeling ultra confident with my body. On a side note, I have some stretch marks. I think almost everyone does. Funny…
  • Bumping to save. The zucchini plants in my garden are already HUGE, I may need lots of zucchini recipes. :)