Dyetcoke1 Member


  • Yes! It summer, get a box of snack bags, freeze the fruit thats getting or comes too ripe. Ice cream is an impulse grab sometimes to cool off your mouth, sometimes for the sweet pleasure. Most fruits are yummy frozen,except maybe apples. Melon, bananas (cut to bite size), stawberries, cherries, blueberries. I find things…
  • Not to butt in but why should your kids have snacks you shouldnt eat? Do you want them to be fat or unhealthy?
  • Do your exercise before anything, except peeing and quick protein fiber breakfast, like a hard boiled egg and a peach. dont cook, work, shower, drink coffee- nothing till you get a half hour of something in-walk, bike, yoga SOMETHING. Ihave discvered how starting the day successfully breeds good choices throughout.…
  • Under 30 years old your skin has lots of elasticity...time and toning help. Vit C is great for healthy skin. Insurance guidelines say they pay for loose skin surgery when 40% of totalbody weight is lost.
  • In America we would call him a douche :-)
  • I agree with water advice...next time u see your doc do a vitamin panel, its cheap for them so dont feel bad. Sometimes its fatigue (nap?) Hormones (go to natural tea place and get advice for pms, periods, pre menopause or menopausr, then take the advice and bhy and drink tea as recommended. Good luck
  • I dont know what feels better-the healthier body or the healthier mind! Great going girl!
  • Be careful with obsessive people...he may or may not have autism but its obvious he has a problem...people with heavy head issues cant really be empathetic or sympathetic so dont let his problem become yours. If you cant ignore him call your cell company and have them block the number. If you see him just stick with "hey…
  • Maybe you feel the need to let him know how he made you feel, but I am guessing he knew when he was doing it, but he may apologize. Or he may just justify and blame you. A bad ex relationship is like a sore tooth-sometimes you press on it just to see if it still hurts. Think of your exercise like an antibiotic...take it…
  • Dont know how much this will help but I figured out just recently that if I eat a breakfast with high protein-an egg, then fiber, a fruit-then do my walk before starting my day, I will have a "buffer" two to three hundred calories to spare and still stay within calorie goal. Pack healthy, already calorie counted snacks in…
  • He sounds very insecure. You can either "go deaf" and pretend you cant hear him. Walk into another room, or pick a time you know he will be receptive and tell him how you feel "criticized, hurt, unsupported" and.tell him what you DO want "encouragement, love, support". If you are yakking with him about MFP and he is…
  • Man that last text fell apart...anyway over forty means less muscle, so less animal protein, watch the dairy too...but you have to carefully build a more fish, legumes and nut protein base,and u don need as much protein depending on yr physical activity, pay attention to micronutrients and minerals, supplement with good…
  • You didnt say what u weigh....those of.us who need to lose 100#are rolling our eyes :-) but if u want to people who are at some ideal under thirty year old weight severely restrict calories...you have totake good vitamins and mostly be vegetarian...sorry abt screwed up text its android phone..exercise yes but if u really…
  • Please read! I am 55 and have a close friend exactly same problem. I was so worried and did research. You VERY likely have low testosterone! Everything you describe my friend had -note- HAD is a condition called Metabolic Syndrome, caused by low T. He is SO improved and no longer at such a high risk for cardiovascular…
  • I know how it is. There are lots of reasons. My usual ones: I am putting off some thing or thingd I should be doing but dont want to do. I am tired but dont realuize it (time for power nap). Frustrated because something ir someone isnt happening or doing what I want or need (watch out ffir that co dependecy. I;; I have…
  • I know! Just took a college course called sleep and dreaming who knew?
  • Hi Barbiecat! Im 55, a Seattlite, erg, my spelling. Would love it to get support from women my age group. Is this an official group? Friend me please I lost the ability to connect to my other online group so I faltered and re gained 3#. Boo! I was dianosed pre diabetic about 3 months ago. Advised to lose7% of body weight,…
  • Hi, funny you should ask. I was just thinking I need some MFP friends. I lost ten pounds, took me forever, but I need some support! I seriously cant find a single walking or workout buddy, and none of my friends give me the weight loss support I.need. I havent used the app, can u friend me and tell me how it works?