Struggling...& just need to vent



  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    Do your exercise before anything, except peeing and quick protein fiber breakfast, like a hard boiled egg and a peach. dont cook, work, shower, drink coffee- nothing till you get a half hour of something in-walk, bike, yoga SOMETHING. Ihave discvered how starting the day successfully breeds good choices throughout. Procrastination makes everythng seem like a struggle. Good luck!
  • Danardeener
    You always have to set small goals for yourself...then treat yourself with a non-food reward. Keep making goals.
  • Dyetcoke1
    Dyetcoke1 Posts: 54 Member
    Not to butt in but why should your kids have snacks you shouldnt eat? Do you want them to be fat or unhealthy?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    someone sent this to me recently. I don't know how much the workouts would pertain to you, but the intro part before the workout might have some good and motivating information for you.

    I have nearly the same problem as you. I want SO BAD to start the INsanity workout, but I am so scared I won't be able to do it, much less finish it. I can't stand to fail.

    So, I feel ya. I also try to look for inspirational testimonies from folks that have similar fitness goals as I do. That helps me psychologically.

  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    love this idea:smile:
  • cornucopiaoflove
    cornucopiaoflove Posts: 45 Member
    Do you know the Seinfeld trick? "Don't break the chain"? I don't do it exactly like that but I like to feel a little "competitive with myself" and go for a "streak" where I am under my goal every day for x days. Makes me feel accomplished each day.

    Haha, here's my "DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN" from my workout journal:


    OP: I second the suggestion to set small manageable goals--I've always found them psychologically helpful. While tomorrow is a new day, learn to look at your next meal/next workout as a new opportunity to do better. If you've blown the diet by noon, forgive yourself but self correct in the next meal or by the time you close out your journal tonight. If you missed the am workout or just didn't have it in you to get to a gym, go for a 30 min walk and do some pushups/situps at home. When you're trying to establish new exercise and diet habits, don't get too frustrated with yourself for not getting it all correct and perfect in one go. Even when you're struggling, the little things you manage to get down do eventually add up. Don't let a day pass without doing something (however small) that gets you closer to your goal.

    This is awesome advice. I've struggled with my weight...basically as long as I can remember. I yo-yo, and I just recently gained back 20 lbs I had lost (blergh, now I have 100 lbs to lose to get to a healthy weight). Instead of getting too discouraged I'll plan to do this tomorrow!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    i do exactly the same, i think i restrict myself too much so i rebel against the plan. i love the idea of setting small daily goals. infact my goal today is to not eat any sweets or chocolate. healthy snacks are at the ready :smile:
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    about snacks.make it healthy. snacks like chocolate yogurt dipped frozen bananas dipped in nuts are great and frozen yogurt popcicles. Kids like anything and useally burn more cals than we do. I am a baker at heart and love homemade cookies/cakes pies etc. the other day I was longing and thinking,smelling and even tasting how good it would be, about a sweet desert and was going to fix it..
    I realized , I had no flour in the house.. so I could not make it. I find if I don't buy it, at a moment of weakness I have no choice but to not eat it. Now I will say if I get a certain craving, I will, march down to the store and get what I am wanting and get it over with. I am not useally an icecream eater but every once in awhile I get a craving for a big banana split or chocolate covered hot brownie and icecream. In the summer we have a diary bar down the street opened and I will go there and get something get my craving satisfied and move on.
    I also have learned to eat what I want by getting on and logging it before I eat it to see the calories if they are outragous, I cut it down to size and eat only that amount of what ever it is. I do believe this is a lifetime journey and being realistic about it, I will always like certain things and life is too short to be deprived of what we want all the time. So a little "tweek" here and there and being more active makes the journey easier.. Good Luck!