Moarenergy Member


  • Make your diary public and we can critique your meals. Easier then saying I ate this and didnt eat that.
  • A few more details please. What are the macronutrients of your diet consisting of? Are you making sure you are weighing everything or just eyeballing your food quantities? Also if you are using some of the foods that are already in the MFP database, sometimes these can be off and you could be eating more then you think.…
  • See if comparing yourself to any of these pics helps
  • I not long finished 6 weeks of UD 2.0, lost about 18% body fat, not on that diet alone though. I was fasting and in a caloric deficit of about 600 before hand. Currently around 8% bodyfat at 93kgs and eating about 2800 Calories but still losing about 100 grams a day. Im going to up my fat intake on Monday another 10 grams…