lean bulking



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    bump to follow...as mid to end september I will be increasing cals to maintenance and then slight bulk...
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Huh. Weird.

    I'm 5'5 130lbs (just hit that btw! :D) and have been shooting for 2600kcal a day for 1kg a month (.5lb/.25kg weekly)... A lot of guys heavier than me seem to be eating around the same. Dafuq.

    Read my post in the former fat boy/ girl thread. There is individual variation in calorie needs. The most important things you can do are be consistent, and track your weight and intake over time. 2600 may well be enough for you. Or not.
    CARBLEGEND Posts: 47 Member
    ez just eat a bit more a day make sure you cycle your calls and u will
    lean gain
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I think people are comparing apples to oranges. Looks like some have listed net calories while others have listed totals including after burns.
  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    I have been at about 2900 and maintaining so i have recently gone up to 3100 and will probably end up going higher than that when all is said and done. I think that I was actually at 3300-3400 last winter.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    We are exactly the same size, don't know about your age but for me 2600 would be overshooting by about 400 calories for a lean bulk methinks
  • Moarenergy
    Moarenergy Posts: 5 Member
    I not long finished 6 weeks of UD 2.0, lost about 18% body fat, not on that diet alone though. I was fasting and in a caloric deficit of about 600 before hand. Currently around 8% bodyfat at 93kgs and eating about 2800 Calories but still losing about 100 grams a day. Im going to up my fat intake on Monday another 10 grams to see how that goes for 1-2 weeks. Maintenance is calculated at around 3400, but I'm erring on the side of caution getting there. Everyones metabolisim is different and I don't want to risk putting on too much fat in my current bulk phase. AIming for a weight gain of about 500grams a month. Been lifting 15+ years. Nattty for lyfe

  • I have no idea what my bf% is tho I'm 5ft 10 140 pounds and still doing the strong lifts 5x5 program and eating between 2500 and 2900 calories a day! Consuming about 180 grams protein and 80 grams fat all healthy fats! Prob not eating enough carbs. ATM I am just slows adding weight as the program dictates! Tho the squats are doing my legs in! More so the very top of my legs! Not sure of any progress just yet lol! But just gonna chug along ! Rome weren't built in a day lol!
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Im 6'0 and weight 167 pounds (160 weight goal) I Wasn't counting calories while bulking. Ive been dieting for about 2 almost three month now and Im losing 1.5-2 pounds a week while eating 2200 calories, which tells me that my maintenance calories should be around 2725.
  • garyx24
    garyx24 Posts: 3
    5'10 148lbs now. My macros are 3500 calories, 438 carb, 78 fat, 263 protein
  • Dougf90
    Dougf90 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 2 weeks in to my first bulk and I'm not sure what's right for me yet. I've been getting around 3,500 on lifting days and 2,400 on rest days. My TDEE is about 3,050 on lifting days by my best guesstimate. The numbers say I should've gained a lb so far, the scale seems to agree thus far.

    But I feel fat as hell now every night, I'm completely assuming this is normal. I'm still struggling with that former fat guy syndrome though, so I've lowered it to 3,400... it's not much but it will obviously add up. I've been maintaining for a year now and this is the next logical step, I'm ready physically just mentally I still need to get there. Any tips?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    My TDEE is around 3600 cal/day. I try to always maintain a +400 cal surplus when bulking, so my bulking intake is around 4K cals/day.

    Even at +400 cals I bulk plenty lean.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    But I feel fat as hell now every night, I'm completely assuming this is normal. I'm still struggling with that former fat guy syndrome though, so I've lowered it to 3,400... it's not much but it will obviously add up. I've been maintaining for a year now and this is the next logical step, I'm ready physically just mentally I still need to get there. Any tips?

    Yes this is normal.

    I would like to say it gets easier but it doesn't. I'm just starting my 5th bulk; it screws with the mind every bit as much as the first. Despite collecting a ton of data and having a lot of experience, I'm still constantly second guessing myself.

    About the only thing to be aware of are the "waves"; your weight will tend to climb freaky fast, stay there for a bit, then drop, and stay down annoyingly long. Over-adjusting to this is bad. If anything the waves are getting stronger and stronger with each passing bulk.

    It just comes with the territory. Cutting is a battle of willpower. Bulking is a battle of self confidence.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I add 250/300 cals per day to my maintenance of 1750. I don't bulk for more than a couple months, as the bulk seems to get dirtier the longer I'm in, which is weird seeing as my TDEE will be creeping up too. I'm 5'7" F 128lb
  • 5'10 148lbs now. My macros are 3500 calories, 438 carb, 78 fat, 263 protein

    Hmmm! See my tdee 2200 and I eat 2700 a day roughly! Eating that much and finding time is hard with work and life ! I'm same height as you and weigh 140 pounds ! 3500 seems a lot I spose to me! Need to get me some scales really!
    I get about 180 grams protein workout days ATM! I'm on the strong lifts exercise to get stronger and gain muscle as I go!!

    We ain't much diff in height and weight yet ur 700 calories more daily lol! I think that weignt gain would happen to fast on me! And be mostly fat! So am I right to be eating less? Seeing as I was a ffb!
  • Also just weighed myself! I've gained nearly 2 kg since 16 of march? So a month? This is too fast isn't it for muscle gain so should I lower my intake or what!? I'm 65.9 kg now! And 5ft 10 worried that my 2.7 intake is too high?
  • garyx24
    garyx24 Posts: 3
    5'10 148lbs now. My macros are 3500 calories, 438 carb, 78 fat, 263 protein

    Hmmm! See my tdee 2200 and I eat 2700 a day roughly! Eating that much and finding time is hard with work and life ! I'm same height as you and weigh 140 pounds ! 3500 seems a lot I spose to me! Need to get me some scales really!
    I get about 180 grams protein workout days ATM! I'm on the strong lifts exercise to get stronger and gain muscle as I go!!

    We ain't much diff in height and weight yet ur 700 calories more daily lol! I think that weignt gain would happen to fast on me! And be mostly fat! So am I right to be eating less? Seeing as I was a ffb!

    My metabolism is just really high. 3500 is my ideal but it doesn't mean I reach it everyday especially with my busy schedule.
  • Also just weighed myself! I've gained nearly 2 kg since 16 of march? So a month? This is too fast isn't it for muscle gain so should I lower my intake or what!? I'm 65.9 kg now! And 5ft 10 worried that my 2.7 intake is too high?

    Too much or what any help? A friend said that was fine ?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm expecting around 3250 - I've maintained on 3000 before, so that seems to make sense and is reasonably congruent with my current weight loss at 1000 less.